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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Winter Trucks, Farms, Rivers, Ice and Ducks!

A variety of winter shots today for you...
working my way through March photos
to catch up to May!

I loved loved this old rusty truck we saw beside the road, full of snow!:

Here is it is, closer yet:

Lovely farm against a winter sky:

Loved the red barn and gate against the winter white!:

A winter date!:

Winter river with open water..rare here, as they usually all freeze over with ice!

We often go down one road that has rock cliffs so we can
see the awesome ice on them:

The glaciers left behind this boulder in the middle of the woods!:

Here's hoping you can find some Spring beauty where you are today!
I know I am!
Have been busy going out and capturing wildflowers and birds with my lens...
so stay tuned, they will be posted in my blog in the future!


Red said...

Awesome snow shots. You used the snow to show things off or you used things to show off the snow. Either way ..well done.

Unknown said...

Love the old truck! The snow is easier to look at, now that the temp here is in the 70s and it's sunny!!!

Linda Reeder said...

I think you should make a Christmas card out of the red gate photo. Wow! Stunning.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for cooling me off with these lovely pictures. It has been about 86F or 30C here today.Too hot for me.

Muffy's Marks said...

Today's winter photos are awesome. I especially like the red gate one!!

Country Gal said...

Awesome photos ! I have been taking tons of spring photos for this year . Its amazing how many photos I end up taking in a few hours , hundreds I get snap happy lol! Have a great day !

LindyLouMac said...

Well I suppose this winter reminder has made me appreciate that although it is colder than it should be for May it is not that bad! I am here to have a catch up as you know I have been having computer issues, so not called by as frequently as normal. As always lots of glorious photos.

Anonymous said...

Your winter shots are wonderful! I especially like the truck. I will have to show these to Dan. He wants to stay HOME two winters from now so maybe if he sees the photos that will be enough for him and we won't have to stay HOME!

Jeanette said...

Love these photos! So beautiful and you can almost feel the crisp cold air! I even pinned the red gate one to my pinterest board!

Sharon Wagner said...

The red farm peaking out of the snow is a great scene.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the truck and the gate.

Ramakrishnan said...

Lovely winter shots. Can appreciate the glorious snow through your pics

Pat said...

Love the old truck covered in snow, but that shot of the red fence against the white snow with the barn at the end of the long row of trees? Wonderful perspective! Love it!

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REMINDER: All photographs on this blog are COPYRIGHTED.
Please do not copy any of my photographs (or narratives) without my permission! All pictures will be tracked for copyright violations.

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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