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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cold Gorgeous Upper Peninsula Winters!

Upper Peninsula
can be a harsh, cold place
in the winter.

But as us Yoopers say..
the harsh winter is worth staying the rest of the year here for.

And, it is also gorgeous in the winter too.

Today, I want to show you some of what we see:

This is my front yard on a cold and frosty morning:

And later, when the sun came up farther. That is our dock pulled up from the water for storage until the lake melts this spring:

I just love it when the trees have ice and the sun sparkles on them:

Branches laden with snow:

The sun shining on the snowy branches:

Sunrise through the trees!:

Looking at the Marquette lighthouse
on Lake Superior through the branches:

Ice cliffs on the Lake Superior shoreline:
Stay tuned....
More winter photos of Lake Superior
will be coming to you soon....

After all, the countdown for Spring has begun...and soon...
all this ice
will be melting.


Wanda..... said...

I appreciate cold and frosty mornings with glistening trees too, Joan. Anxious for Spring though.

Jeanette said...

Hi Joan I talked to someone in Iron Mountain yesterday and they said that they aren't getting nearly the snow there this year that they usually do! Funny because we have record snowfall for February this year! Your photos are gorgeous as usual!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so do you live right on Lake Superior? all of these are stunning and magnificent photos of God Creation and when the sun paints them they are awesome. you are blessed with a perfect view

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Joan, Oh --how I love winter. I would love living in your area, but then again, I would probably get tired of winter sooner.. Think I'll stay where I am. We get all four seasons --none of them too harsh. BUT--that being said, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pictures. AWESOME!!!

Unknown said...

Too cold! Just as it is here....but I suspect the lake makes it even colder!

Lorac said...

Although cold and blowy, the snow certainly does afford some nice photography. Nicely done! It is snowing hard here right now. We are occasionally having warmer days too. It has started!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can see why the winter is worth staying for.These pictures are amazing.I love the sunlight through the trees.

Cher' Shots said...

Great pictures! Yes it is beautiful up here in the U.P. but I still get antsy about this time of year longing for winter to be over with in anitcipation of SPRING!!
'hugs from afar'

Tracy said...

The sunset through the snow laden branches is a most stunning photo...that is frame worthy :) So lovely, yet so cold...I'm ready for warmth if you don't mind!

L. D. said...

The sparkle of the sun shining through the ice is wonderful. You have an arctic yard but soon it will be spring.

Ginnymo said...

Awesome photos!! Brrrr!! It's been just as bad here though. Spring gets nearer each day..

Country Gal said...

Even though I have had enough of winter your photos are beautiful! Have a great day !

Bossy Betty said...

Cold never looked so good! Beautiful pictures!

Kaye Swain - SandwichINK said...

What gorgeous photos. And what delightful news that SPRING is on its way. My grandchildren and I are so looking forward to lots more fun OUTSIDE activities for grandparents and grandchildren! Thank you for these sweet words of encouragement. :)

Nat said...

Beautiful photos, but it does look very cold!
Spring is very welcome this year...

Shelley said...

I love your views Joan! Winter can be so pretty...when you can forget about the cold - lol! how many more snowfalls do you think we're going to get. My hubby and I have a bet....I say two.

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! Those first six photos of the trees are amazing!!! Really really nice Joan!

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I retired in June 2008 and started my blog in November 2008. I worked at several jobs as a Registered Nurse prior to retirement. I LOVE being retired! Blogging has offered me a whole new venue to start writing again and to share new hobbies such as gardening, birdwatching and sharing my nature photography. If you like my blog, PLEASE click on "follow this blog". Having a lot of followers reading my blog gives me incentive to continue to do photography and to continue to write. I also LOVE comments, so I encourage you to leave me a comment after you read my posts. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read me!!

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