What Reasons? (you ask??)
Oh yeah, you know how I am. You know what is coming, don't you??:
Here are MY TOP TEN concerns about this new bra:
1. It costs almost $50 dollars! Yes, you read right. I guess if you break it down, it is approximately $25.00 per boob.
2. Any bra that comes with a manual on how to wear it is waaaaay too complicated for me.
3. Seven ways? Let me see...you can wear it strapless, crisscross in front, crisscross in back, over left shoulder, over right shoulder...what are the other two? Maybe you gotta flip wrap a strap around an armpit and then attach it to the bra? Or, whip a strap around your neck and then fasten it to the bra? ( I am too afraid to see how else you can wear it.)
4. OMG. I can picture myself trying to put it on. I mean, you learn as a young girl to gymnastically snap it together backwards, twirl it around and then lean forward and tuck 'em into the cups. How do you do this one? Don't they know that some of us are getting older and that leaning over to strap it in seven different ways or straining our shoulders to adjust straps in weird angles will mean a visit to the Chiropractor? (or permanent shoulder displacement?)
5. Once you get it on, how on earth do you get it OFF by yourself???
6. Do you really NEED 7 ways to wear your bra? What kind of clothes are you buying? Do you need a top that shows that much skin (in weird places) that you have to use a manual to see how to wear your bra so the straps don't show?
7. Maybe it is made for those into bondage?
8. If your Significant Other gets frisky, this will be the end of that. He will NEVER figure out how to get that little number undone. Maybe it is really a method of birth control (to kill the mood?)
9. They named it Biofit? First of all, no bras really "fit" do they? And to preface it with the preface of "bio" (like it is a living organism)? I don't think so. Kinda creepy. And now, there is a bra that really won't fit in SEVEN different ways. Yippee Yi Yay!
10. Do men have jock straps that are made to put on in seven different ways? Why the hell not?
Well, equal rights. That's what I say!!!!
I cut out the middle man and don't wear one. ; ) At least not near my man. He's easily frustrated.
And when you have implants, like most models do, can VS REALLY say this bra is holding everything in place? Cause I am sure one of my saggy water balloon boobs would slip out and get tangled in the straps, and I bet the Jaws of Life and some lubricant...like BUTTER (gutter brain) would have to be brought in to save my boob from turning gang green from excessive strangulation. A man made this bra. I say burn it.
Holy Crap! What the heck is that all about?! I surely don't need to throw my back out just to hold the girls steady! Well my girls aren't much trouble to hold steady anyway. Maybe if I had really big girls? Oh forget it, no thank you!
LOL The 7 way Jockstap hahahahahahahaha!!!!
That bra scares me
Amen to that! I just shop at Target... $40-$50 for a bra blows my mind...
Too funny, thanks for the laugh. Have a great day.....:-) Bernie
I am freaking out! but wait! you say maybe it's a new method of birth control.. can I have one?LOL
I was laughing before I had even started reading, I just seemed to know what witty remarks were coming. I can just imagine a frisky partner and the strap lets go and catapolts around the body and flicks him in the eye. Like something from a comedy show. Lol
Ha haa!!! The bra sounds silly to me too but there's no way I'm spending $50 on any bra anyway.
I honestly can't say I've ever seen a man in a jock strap so I can't imagine the 7 way thing ... unless one strap goes over his shoulder, one goes around his neck ... lol!
Have a good Saturday Retired On!
Can't wait for the matching pants to come out. Escapology for the bladderly-challenged, or what?
What a hoot! I've seen that thing on TV and knew right away it was not meant for Yooper women. My girls would NOT feel at home in that thing and they for sure would bounce all over as I mow. Now, it they make a bra out of an elastic wrap (like for a sprain), THEN they will have something! The sports bras do nothing for riding a mower either.
Hi Joan,
Frankly, I think the BioFit was secretly designed for girls who have 3 boobs.
I would strangle myself with this one. It would also scare my husband as well if he saw me wearing one like this.
I say no bra to this! If I have to wear something like that under a particular tank top or dressy outfit, fuhgetaboutit!
You are so funny - and so right! I'm happy if I can find a bra that fits ONE way. Maybe I'd feel differently if I owned more off-the-shoulder-strapless-criss-cross clothing.
JJ: be careful, if don't wear one, he'll soon have to reach for your ankles to say hi to the girls.
Insanity: I am sure a man made this bra, but I really don't want to burn him. Oh, maybe you meant to burn the BRA. My bad.
Yeah: Well, if you have small girls they won't even fit into the cups, so it would be "slip and slide" (and strangle) time!
Scrappy: god hates a coward. Oh, but if God is a man, this must be a "test". I failed.
VaBookworm: I heard you can get the Target version: Two shoelaces and velcro. Go nuts. You may find more than 7 ways like McGuyver! ha
Bernie: Thanks, I hope I had you envisioning 7 way jockstraps all day :-D
Pehpot: Just say no. (to the 7 way bra that is!)
Bev: I would have loved to seen an "I Love Lucy" show on this one. It would be right up there with the well known Chocolate Factory one, I am sure.
Sharon: Well, I can send you a man with a jock strap to entertain you for your next birthday, if you want.
Fran: Maybe they will look like a jockstrap? (with uncomfortable, stiff and pokey lace of course).
Cathy: Oh, you haven't heard of the Mower Bra? It is attached to Struts on your mower. Hurts So Good.
Lynn: Maybe that is why they had those extra 2 ways to wear it?
DVM: If you are perky enough to not wear a bra, my hat (I mean bra) is off to you! You are a lucky woman.
Lesley: Look at the Sluts are Us catalog, you will find the clothes there to go with the bra. :-D
That was funny and believe me, I needed the laugh.
This is hilarious. Just give me a plain, old bra or none at all! lol. Like they say, Victoria's Secret is that only very young, thin girls can wear their products.
I seriously want to meet the man who can master a 7 way jockstrap. I might fall in love!
Loree: So glad I gave you a laugh. Sometimes I have to make fun of those things that are so obvious to make fun of. ha
Judy: I agree. A plain old bra (well, ok, maybe a little lace too) is fine with me! They don't even go above a 40 and I use a 42 or 44C!
Julie: I would like to see that too! ha Can you share him?
Funny. My friend and I were having coffee and looking at a magizine and saw that ad... we both said WHY?
Grannyann: To make money, I am sure that was their motive.ha
I don't know about any of the other reasons not to have it, but looking at the picture, it looks like that thing would restrict a woman's breathing.
Ratty: you are correct ;-D I see you didn't say anything about the jock strap idea. (hahaaaaa)
Now that's just too much. Three ways, maybe. Seven freaking ways?!??!
Maybe it's made so you can wear the cups in the back, in case you're flat in front, so the cups can hold your shoulder blades in place...
Mary: I know! Waaaaay too fussy for me! I like your idea of a shoulder blade holder. ha
Let's see. You were talking about what other 2 ways this thing could be worn. How about the conventional way, plus the halter-top way? I just recently got a flyer from Macy's for bras, and they mentioned some high-falutin' types in there, also. As for going braless - take it from me, even tho' I am small, I AM paying the price for lettin' the girls have their freedom for too many years! Now I look much better IN my clothes than out of them.
Jessica: Wouldn't the halter top way be the same as strapless as mentioned? But I didn't count the "conventional" way, so I still don't know the 7th?! yes, the older I get the less perky they become. Damn that gravity!
I saw this bra on TV..I said "What?" Who is crazy now? They have not desiged a comfortable bra yet and now they design one that you can wear seven ways. Of course when they handed out boobs, I stood in line too long..or made to many trip there..so I doubt that I will ever find a comfortable bra:(
Far Side: I know. I try one on at the store and think, Oh..maybe THIS one will be comfortable. I take it home, and after wearing it about 2 hours, I am tugging on it. (sigh!)
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