Monday, February 13, 2012

This and That from the Lake and Woods

I have a confession to make today.

Not only am I still posting photos for you
from this past Sept. and October
haven't even gotten to the snow/winter photos
that I have to show you yet...
but as you read this...
I am dipping my just-manicured-in-gorgeous-hot-pink-nail-polish- toes
in the Pacific Ocean
at Los Cabos, Mexico.

Yup, I have briefly deserted my beloved Upper Peninsula of Michigan
frozen tundra
for a short vacation to tropical Mexico.

I just needed to defrost.

But, not to worry. I have "preposted' pictures for you to see while I am away.
Thank goodness, because I need to get you caught up with these past Autumn photos
and get into showing you my winter photos (soon I hope)---
before I bombard you
with my Mexico pictures.

We picked Los Cabos because there are gorgeous rock arches there in the ocean right beside the resort
we will be staying at.

And? It is in the desert!

And, there are mountains there!!

Unfortunately, I don't feel safe enough to have taken my GOOD DSLR camera there,
so pray that I do okay with my point and shoot Panasonic Lumix to capture some good photos there for you.
So stay tuned---
Once again, thanks for being patient with me on my being behind on sharing my autumn pictures with you....
I will let you know when I am back with a post script to my upcoming posts...

So let's get started with my many, many photos that I STILL have not yet shared with you, shall we??:

Lake Superior:

Lake Superior beach rocks:

Look at the SIZE of this boulder out in the middle of the woods!!
The glaciers pushed it here and it is all alone:

Did you ask for mushrooms on your pizza??
(You would only need ONE!):

Go out into the world today
and take some pictures
of where you call "home"....

I'd love to see them!!!


  1. As ever, your photographs are brilliant. Looking forward to more. Enjoy your time in the warmth.

  2. have fun, wow on the photo ops you havve there, some of everything, waiting to see Mexico through your eyes

  3. Ooo I'm jealous! bet you're having a wonderful time!!

  4. oh, those flat rocks - perfect for skipping!!! beautiful!

    enjoy your sunshine and desert! :)

  5. well that is sneaky, you tickling your toes in the warm water while we have frost bite on ours... Brrrr..

    Hope you have a safe wonderful trip.

  6. Boy, that lake water sure looks cold. You wouldn't be dipping those nail polished toes there for sure!

  7. Fantastic photos ! Have a wonderful time , Hope you take lots of photos !

  8. Once again that lonely road into the woods is charming and inviting. Have fun.

  9. I think you picked a good time to go to Mexico. I believe winter finally hit the east.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: