Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Wishing all my Readers
their best
Valentine's Day EVER.

Know that I adore you
and am
so thankful
for your Blogger Friendship.

I am off in Mexico with my hubby, (the LOVE of my life)
enjoying a tropical vacation....

but keep checking my blog
as I
have "pre-published" blogposts
to cover while I am away....

I will be back later this week!

Thanks again for being a part of my life
and know
that you are loved!!!!



  1. nice...mexico...very cool...happy valentines....

  2. Joan, have a wonderful beautiful memorable time with the love of your life! Thanks for the gift of friendship!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. We'll girl, I'm sittin' here in these cold hills and hollers covered up with six inches of new snow turnin' an ugly pea green!!!

    I'm so happy for ya that your off on a warm tropical vacation. Woohoo, take a walk on the beach for me..."K"??? ....and don't forget to squish some of that warm sand between your toes!

    God bless, enjoy this Valentine's Day and have the time of your lives!!!

    Woohoo!!!! :o)

  4. Happy Valentines Day to you and your family ! Have a great time with your lover boy !

  5. I sincerely hope you and your Valentine are having a wonderful time!

  6. Due to one reason or another, my guy and I are (hopefully!) celebrating V-day this weekend. Better late than never, I say!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: