Saturday, February 11, 2012

An autumn doe, ducks and what else? (wood's roads of course!!)

I love capturing
animals in the woods
my camera.

I try and not be too obtrusive
or get too close...

but it is always a thrill.

She found a wild apple tree and was munching away
when we came upon her;


When I am not oooo-ing and ahhh-ing over the autumn colors,
I am wondering what we will see around the very next corner:


Perhaps a paddling duck:

Swimming in a pool of water reflecting autumn's glory:



Or maybe a goose:


I am never disappointed.

Even if there are no animals around the bend,
I can inhale Nature's Beauty
and admire
the world we live in
every second that I am out there exploring it.


  1. I guess I must be a road and tree person cuz I am over the moon for those shots. The trees are like a canopy over the road.

  2. the one just above the goose could be titles "we have lift off"
    such pretty colors and reflections. my fav for today is the doe and the apple tree she is looking right straight at ME

  3. Capturing a deer looking back at you is great, but the additional many details and colors of that photo make it really special.

  4. Wow! You outdid yourself this time!
    First the deer, then those wonderful reflections on the water! Awesome!

  5. I love the picture of the doe and I can't get over the amazing colours in the one with the goose.


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