Thursday, February 16, 2012

Continuing Color...

If you are a regular reader of my blog
(and THANKYOU if you are!!!!)
that I have been posting last autumn's photos
because I am behind in sharing them
with all of you.

you know that I pre-published these past few blogposts
because I have been away in Mexico
soaking my tootsies
for the past week, but sadly, on this day I will be on my way home.

If you have left comments on my blogposts over the last week or so
and haven't heard from me or seen them published,
it is because I am not taking my computer with me to Mexico.

I will make sure I do that when I get back.

(I am going to go into withdrawals for SURE!, but I dont' want to risk having my computer
damaged or stolen or lost).

So, here today are more for autumn pictures for you to enjoy...until I can show you some from Mexico...
see you SOON!!!

Reflections on the Pond:

Autumn river:

Tree mushrooms along the path...

Follow the golden-leaves road to the Land of Oz:

Or maybe this golden curved road?:

Speckled yellow leaves:

I can't help but take pictures of every fall road I see:

One of my favorite waterfall spots in the world:

Dreamy river of color:

I hope there is some color in your day today!!

I know you brighten my day with it, for SURE!!!
Don't forget to enter the


Feb. theme is:


Enter your photo no later than midnight on Feb. 29, 2012 EST

You don't have to be a blogger to enter!


  1. Beautiful photos ! Do you photoshop or do you use filters on your lenses ! Have a great time in Mexico . Hope your taking lots of photos for us !

  2. Astonishing & amazing Autumn pictures in myriad colors. Pure magic !

  3. always beautiful. i hope you arrive safely back home in the north!!!

  4. I hope you are having a simply wonderful holiday.

  5. Now I have had my daily dose of colour,by visiting your blog.

  6. Is there no end to the grandeur??? Lovely, Lovely!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: