Sunday, November 6, 2011

Waterfalls in Autumn and other randoms!

All of our leaves are down now and the trees are bare.

But I went out a lot over the few weeks we still had our color and leaves
to capture what I could for you.

We hiked into several waterfalls too.

So today, I have a collection of photos of our autumn for you.

As you know, I adore waterfalls.

And waterfalls in the autumn???  Heaven:

I loved the leaves floating in the water....

The tree on the right actually had a hole in it where the water was running THROUGH the tree...

Moss, roots and rocks...another few of my favorites:

Even this old tree has turned rusty in honor of fall:

Whatever roads you take this week, make sure you follow your


  1. Love the fall pictures. Happy Sunday!

  2. oh i love waterfalls as well...this was a visual delight...

  3. Great waterfall shots! There is just nothing quite like fall color, is there?!

  4. Wonderful blog. Fall and then Winter.

  5. i can almost here the running water, no quite but almost. i like this fall because it is a low one, the stacked effect of the rocks. so beautiful. and that road through gold makes me want to follow it. what a lovely hike you had and thanks for taking me with you.

  6. I love your photos. The dreamy look of the water is fantastic and the autumn colors are just awesome! Happy Sunday!

  7. really beautiful. i love that 'shower tree'. and very, very good advice, my friend. :) God bless you!

  8. I thoroughly enjoy your picture. You must be very happy living in such a beautiful area.

  9. BE-U-TIFUL!!! :o)

    The only rich colours like that I get here are the sunsets... this time of the year is the best for that!

  10. ... a beautiful autumn.... I liked your pictures very well.... compliment for these great photos ...
    LG: Karin

  11. Great photos; that rusty old tree was unique!

  12. Wonderful waterfalls. I particularly like the way the fallen leaves form little islands.

  13. I love these shots. I want to run through the forest.


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