Friday, November 4, 2011

WHO??? Who can take one more bird off my Wish LIst????!!!

For years I have had a checklist of local wild animals and birds
that I wanted to capture with my lens.

One has eluded me.

And haunted me.

And teased me.

And hid from me.

Until a few weeks ago.

It flew across our car and landed in a tree
right beside the road we were traveling on.

I was so excited!!

He was gorgeous.
(and curious):

Do you see him in this photo? Look hard...he is there...that is only as close as he was to us, but I had my zoom lens!:

Then, of course, he flew FARTHER away and crouched down to see if I was still there with my camera.  (Silly guy...of COURSE I was!):

But he would have none of THAT....
and quickly flew away...
far, far away.

But I was so happy to have gotten a few shots of my elusive new friend.

Now I have it back on my list to catch another owl.

Isn't that just like a photographer?

Never satisfied!!


  1. I have only seen one big owl and 2 little screech owls in the wild, and no photos. this is great, he is so precious. maybe a barn owl? the big one we saw about 20 years ago, was about 2 feet tall sitting on the limb in the park. that was before digital camera for me. you did great to get him through all the branches.

  2. I totally understand your excitement! What an absolute thrill!

  3. Wow this is my dream to take a shot of this elusive owl. Awesome shot!! Happy weekend!

  4. He's a beauty alright and yes, very elusive. I had the joy of snapping an owl and her young the summer before last. What a thrill. Mind you, she hissed (sort of) at me the whole time even though I kept my distance. They're such beautiful birds and you've photographed a beauty of a shot. I wonder if he gives a hoot. ;)


  5. Wow! How lucky are you! And how lucky are we to see this! Thank you!

  6. What a gorgeous owl! how exciting to finally get a photo of him!

  7. these barred owls are some of my favorite raptors! we have quite a good population here and they serenade us at dusk and after dark and come hunt in the yard and around the pond. LOVE 'em!

  8. Oh wow! He is so cute!! I have never seen an owl around here. But I sure would love to!! So happy you finally got to see one!!!

  9. OMG! That first shot blew me away! Wonderful owl photos!

  10. I have never seen an owl in the wild. I just saw my first eagle this summer and it made my summer! My husband saw a owl when he was a teenager. He was driving down a street at night and it flew across the hood of his car, turned it's head and looked in at him! He was pretty freaked out at the time!! I think I'd rather see one your way!!

  11. Wow ... those are great photos .... a magnificent bird ...
    LG: Karin

  12. I LOVE owls!! Thank you for that awesome set of photos!

    Hope you are doing great.. am visiting after a year!! :S

  13. Beautiful owl! I love how he was kind of spying back to see if you were still looking. so funny! :)

  14. That is so awesome! LOVE the first pic.

  15. Owls are on my "to do" list...we get one once in a while in our cottonwood tree out back, but I haven't heard one there for several years. Nice job!!! I'm envious!

  16. A dream come true... how wonderful. I don't get to see owls often but hear them at night so I know they're there. Only once have I had close contact. When driving on a mountain road an enormous white owl flew across the front of the car, so close as to be touchable. If only I could have stopped!

  17. Considering how elusive owls are in the wild congrats on your sighting. He is a very handsome fellow.

  18. hah, if we were satisfied, we wouldn't strive to be better....

  19. I'm sure that shot made your day, and it should, its a great photo. Some times the best shots are when you least expect them. I have heard owls in the woods, and saw one many, many years ago. But, no pictures, lucky you!

  20. oooohhhhh i so know that feeling, never satisfied....always wanting more!!

    congrats on a thrilling capture!!

    i went to an alpaca show today, you might enjoy the pictures!!

  21. Bard Owels are hard to spot among the trees. Great capture.

  22. I wonder if it is a Northern Hawk Owl..they hunt both during the day and at night. I have not seen an Owl in years..I hear them at night but have not seen one. You are very lucky to have gotten this photo:)


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