Tuesday, November 8, 2011

That's Just Ducky!

Now that all of our leaves have fallen off the trees, I will go back to "late summer" and "early fall" shots
that I haven't shared with you yet.

My brother owns a wonderful little cabin on Lake Medora
near Copper Harbor, in the U.P. of Michigan.

There are always ducks on his lake.

One day, when we stopped in for a visit, one mother duck had darling ducklings with her
and came very close to their dock.

I was thrilled to be able to get some close photos of them.

One of the ducklings:

Just LOOK at his cute face!!!:

Quacking me up!:

Mom, flapping her wings:

Swimming amongst the pretty stones in the lake:

Three of the ducklings, taking a sunbath on the rocks.  I loved how one was "peeking" down at the water, as if to say: "Wow...that is a lonnnnng way down there!":

They obviously had a LOT to talk about that day!:

May water run off your back, (like this duck's) today
and always.....


  1. Gosh! They are just darling! Love the shot of mama in mid-flap! Amazing that you got such beautiful close-up shots. :)

  2. I love this even more than our walk in the woods. these are really really superb photos. those first young faces made me oooohhh and ahhhh and stare and stare. they ducks are adorable and so sweet and your photos are perfect, could not be better. GREAT post

  3. I bet that's why the ducklings just watched there momma because the water is cold!! ^_^ These photos are excellent and they are so cute! Happy Tuesday!

  4. Oh they are soo cute.
    Wonderful photos. Have a great day !

  5. The ducklings are adorable, and your photos capture them so beautifully!

  6. The ducks and ducklings are so gorgeous! Love your photos and envy your brother :-)

  7. Cute photos! I love the colorful rocks in the water! And the shots with the ducks mouths open are adorable.

  8. Such sweet ducks, they look so soft and smooth out ...
    perfect photos ...
    LG: Karin

  9. cutest photos I've seen in a long time!! I pinned one of these in my Pinterest account...hope that's okay?!

  10. Aw, those little ones are adorable. Mama Mallard must be very proud of her brood. Great shots Joan!

  11. So sweet. Mallard ducklings are just adorable, aren't they? Great photos. :)

  12. Hi Joan, It's great to hear from you.. It's been forever!!!! Great pictures of the ducks.

    You probably don't know that I have been in the hospital twice the past month.. Finally had hernia surgery last week. I'm home and doing better. But--I was a sick little gal...


  13. Beautiful little ducks..I hope they have grown up and headed south by now:)

  14. These are so gorgeous! Sandra sent me a link and now I see why. They are adorable, and your pictures are fantastic!


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