Thursday, November 10, 2011

Butterflies, Blooms, Bees and Blueberries!

I am pre-posting this by about 4 days, so by the time it posts, we probably
will have snow where I live.

It is forecasted.

I am in denial.

So, today, I am bringing you back to August, when the flowers were still
in bloom and the butterflies and blueberries were ripe.


It wasn't really that long ago.

It just seems that way......

I don't know the names of butterflies...
but I love them:

And bees?
Well, I like them in a photo....
but not on me:

The hand I love most in this whole wide world...holding some blueberries:


Another butterfly:

Love his butterfly hair!:

The butterfly and bee STANDOFF:
(Who is going to win the golden flower??)

A field of purple next to the lake:

Two beauties!:

If you live anywhere but in the tropics,
may the cool breezes you feel outside disappear
as you recall the warmth of summer.

Don't forget to enter the FREE PHOTO CONTEST!!

This month's theme is:

CATS and DOGS!!!

Send me your photo no later than midnight, Nov. 30th, 2011


  1. these butterflies are truly amazing, a couple of them, i expected to fly out of the computer. the one with the sstand off with the bee is really cool. when the snow gets deep, just open your computer and stare at these gorgeous creatures.

  2. just gorgeous photos! the butterfly/bee standoff photo is perfect!

    i laughed when i saw your post title. i have one scheduled for this weekend entitled Calves, Cacti, Clouds and Creepy-Crawlies.


  3. Holy Moley! The photos are breath-taking! I can practically count the little hairs on the butterfly!

  4. Hanging on to summer works for me! Is it snowing yet?

  5. what could be better then a purple field!?

    i miss my butterflies, you have captured them beautifully!!

  6. Wow....fascinating shots .... great quality and color ...
    LG: Karin

  7. Thanks for this stroll back into warmer days.

  8. Awesome photos. Snow is on the way here for us. Have a great day.

  9. Your photos are always admired, so i will not dwell on that anymore. I love most the last verse, which speaks fully for those in the temperate climes. What about us who are in the tropics and can't experience any cool breeze outside but inside the buildings? I should be the one to make the verse for our group, hahaha! Can you imagine us longing for colder breeze, which to us feels heavenly!

  10. The butterfly shots are my favourites. I read somewhere that butterflies can only fly when the sun is shining. Solar powered?

  11. WOW!!!! THESE BUTTERFLY SHOTS ARE EXCELLENT!!! And to capture the bee with the butterfly was very fortunate! Yep, heard you guys got some of that white gold!!!

  12. Great shots of the butterflies and blooms. Summer has arrived here so I'm sorry to tell you that it is our turn now.

  13. That is Purple Loosestrife next to the is a noxious weed..granted it is beautiful. Loved your butterfly bee shot..excellent:)


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: