Friday, November 18, 2011

First Snowstorm: Part TWO

Continuing today with photos I captured when we received
12 inches of snow
during our first snow this season on Nov. 9th.

Thinking of flying south, no doubt!:

Branches with leaves laden with snow:

We still had apples on many of our trees:

Cattails of white!:

Doves hiding for shelter:

Remember my garden frog?
Well, his umbrella wasn't ready for THIS!:

Snowy autumn leaf:

These leaves won't stay green for much longer!:

We went for a ride later in the day and got some more snowy shots for you, so stay tuned....


  1. I gasped, What a beautiful capture of the first snow of the year. The vibrant blue of the Jay against the backdrop of the snow.... Outstanding.

  2. Beautiful photos. I love the doves sitting in the branches and your little frog looks cold. Those pictures look like a winter wonderland. I'm looking forward to seeing more snowy scenes from your drive.


  3. i feel bad for the frog..smiles...we were supposed to get some snow last night but just got the cold...

  4. My favorite? Why Froggie went a courtin' of course! Love these shots, makes me long for winter even more, but then no one ever accused me of being quite right...

  5. Hi & Greetings ! Trust this finds you well & fine. Amazing pictures after a heavy snowfall.The little bird looks so colorful in the white snowy background. Snow must be destroying all vegetation in the neighbor hood.

  6. the doves on the tree were especially lovely. poor guys!

  7. thanks for my snowy trip today. the only way i will see it is here in your photos and they look so real they make me shiver with pleasure. love the bright blue jay and those sweet huddling doves. i love doves and these look so cold. beautiful ice shots

  8. Oh ....... such an amazing photo series ..... my compliment for this great work ....
    LG: Karin

  9. Lovely photos, but your garden frog looks awfully cold!

  10. Can't say I miss it but your photos are beautiful. My favorite is the dove convention. Strength in numbers?

  11. I love these snowy scenes. The snow makes each tree and twig look like lace.

  12. Lovely!
    We have some snow in the area this morning, and widespread snow rain mix. Cold and nasty.

  13. Great photos!! I love your frog..LOL

  14. Really nice photography.

  15. OMG, how amazing those photos are! But i really pity that very beautiful bird, it looks real cold and lonely. I also post a bird today, even if i am not a birder, and this is my first bird catch.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: