Wednesday, November 16, 2011

First Snowstorm: Part One

As predicted, we did get our first snow already.

And, instead of an inch or two, we got hit with a blizzard and over a foot of snow!

It  happened on Nov. 9th, and a lot of it has melted already (such is life in the U.P.!)
I did manage to get out there and capture some winter wonderland shots for you!

This is my front yard, under the apple trees:

Looking out my side window at my house:

The birdhouse, full of snow!!:

Looking off my deck towards our lake. As you may have noticed, you can't SEE the lake! (LOL):

For you regular readers:
Remember last spring/summer, when I shared my garden moose with you?
Well, here he is again!:  (He is a brave guy!):

We still had some apples in our apple trees!:

"Are you KIDDING me???  And I chose to stay north this year!! Gheesh!":

"But, I do look pretty handsome in white!  Who SAYS you can't wear white after Labor Day?":

"Will it EVER stop?":

Tune in next time to find out..........................

Don't forget to enter your photo in our FREE monthly PHOTO CONTEST!!

This month's theme is:


Enter your photo no later than midnight on Nov. 30, 2011
following THESE RULES.

You don't  have to be a Blogger to enter!


  1. these are great! but i'm glad it's you and not me! my sis in the UP said they got heavy, wet snow already! yikes!

  2. They are such wonderful shots. I like the shiny white with all the subtle values of gray to identify all the forms. The Blue Jay is wonderful.
    I am glad it has left you for a while even though more just keeps coming all winter.

  3. We had that same snow, not quite as much as you but enough that a week later there are still signs of it showing across the yard. The older I get the less I care for winter.
    'hugs from afar'

  4. heavenly!!! Though I would NOT like to shovel the sidewalk! :D

  5. Wow, your snow photos are so beautiful! Cute moose, too, and love that close-up blueJay photo!

  6. Awesome photos. Even though I am not a big fan of winter but as a nature photographer I do look forward to the first snow fall it is soo pretty !

  7. I love the bluejay!!
    In Fargo we only got a dusting that melted within a couple hours when the sun came out. I think the snow looks lovely! :)

  8. I love the last shot the best. Looks like the bluejay is saying 'where the heck did that come from?' Stay dry and warm my friend.

  9. OMG! That poor blue jay! He looks cold! We had snow back the week before Halloween, (about 4 inches) but it quickly melted, as we've been experiencing temps in the 50s and 60s since! I know it can't last, but each day that I can avoid turning up the heat saves a few bucks!

  10. schon Schnee....aber die Fotoserie sieht toll aus...super Fotos...
    LG: Karin

  11. Snow? I seem to remember what that is... Still wandering around in short sleeves here in Alicante! If we get snow it will be on the mountaintops behind the city. But that's a BIG if...

    Gorgeous photos! I love that first snowfall... :o)

  12. that JAY looks cold! oh my oh my is what i said as each photo came to view. i was about to say where are the apples and then there IT was. these are beautiful but I am happy it is your yard...

  13. beautiful soooo beautiful. i love the apple and the bird most :)

  14. It does look so pretty. I like a good snowfall.

  15. Looks beautiful, and cold. but our 40 degree rain is not pretty and no fun. I'd rather have your snow, except for the driving part.

  16. Mr. Blue Jay definitely looks handsome in white. The snow is beautiful but I'm not ready for it just yet. But ready or not it's in the forecast.

    Your garden moose looks a little chilly but still cute.

  17. My ultimate favorite is the first picture with the table and chairs. Lonely but lovely at the same time.

  18. Stunning shots. I love the ones with the blue jay surrounded by so much white. We rarely see snow in the coastal area of South Carolina.

  19. Yes, it's a strange climate these days, although one advantage of snow is that it produces magical pictures.

  20. You can not deny its beautiful.

  21. This is pretty cool...ahummm not the snow, the blue birds! We had flurries here down SE Mi and not expecting much snow yet, well maybe after New Year? ^_^ Happy Thursday!

  22. Wow! I guess you did get a lot of snow! I love the first snow. We are expecting a little tonight. Love those Bluejay pics!! I have a lot of Jays here too. I like pictures of the birds in the winter. They are so pretty against the background of white. Everything is so dull now. Have a nice winter and a great Thanksgiving!!


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