Monday, November 21, 2011

First Snowstorm: Part Three

On the day I am writing this, we actually got our SECOND big snowstorm,
but I am behind in sharing the many pictures I took during our FIRST snowstorm,
(so I will continue with those for you today).

It didn't take long for the first icicle to appear:

Nothing feels more like Christmas then snow-laden pine trees:

The river leading into our lake had frozen and I loved the clumps of snow on its ice:

This is actually a shot of the river leading into the lake and not our lake, but I loved the frozen ice and snow on it:

Heavy wet snow broke off many branches during that first storm:

The west end of our lake, where a river runs into the lake.
A great Perch catching place! :

Looking at our lake from the west end. Our house is on the left shore up a ways from this shot:

Believe it or not, I still have some photos to show you of this first snowfall, and some photos left over from summer yet too to share.

(A photographer's job is never done). LOL

Don't forget, you just have a few more days to enter my

This month's theme is:


Send me your winning shot no later than midnight on Nov. 30th, 2011!!!


  1. What beautiful snowy, winter scenes. Not something we see down here in s.e. FL, so I really enjoy seeing your photos.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  2. O! MY! GOSH! how wonderful and here we are heading into summer and it is rain and mud were ever I look......wish I was with you all! the photos made me shiver!! they stepped out to me as real as if I was looking through the window!

    hugs from Australia

  3. you sound like me, I will never run out of photos to post, no way to post them all, the biggest job is deciding what and when to post. that Christmas tree is wonderful and that is just about the coolest icicle ever. LOL on the cool part.

  4. that last shot is just beautiful! and i love how you caught the water drop coming off the icicle! :)

  5. I'm not looking forward to snow, but you do present it beautifully!

  6. Wow...your shots are great...sooooo nice...
    Best regards Karin

  7. As long as I don't have to shovel that snow,it is gorgeous. OK,it is gorgeous even when I have to shovel,but I would prefer just to take pictures. Beautiful scenes.

  8. Gorgeous photos!

    You are an amazing photographer, my Dear.

    Gentle hugs,
    "Music is a friend of labor for it lightens the task by refreshing the nerves and spirit of the worker." ~William Green

  9. you have way more snow than us! Enjoy! The photos are great! :)


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