Saturday, November 12, 2011

Renaissance Fair: Part ONE

Back in July, we attended our local
Renaissance Fair.

I like to go every year to see the costumes...

This year, we actually set up a booth to sell some homemade jewelry that I make, along with some photography.

We had a fabulous time and I even managed to "escape" my vendor duties for a few moments to
capture some photos of the event.

Today, I have Part One for you.

One of the dancers:

A costume of delight!:

I loved these two little boys who came spirited and costumed for the event!:

Some people did such a good job on their costumes!:

Just look at the detail in these boots and pants!:
(I wanted those boots bad. He didn't take them off. Dang.)

One of the belly dancers:

They danced several times....loved their dresses, scarves, headgear and jewelry:

In action!:

This lady performs at a lot of the local art fairs
and always at the Ren Fair.

She is known as the "bird lady" and dances in character, like a bird:

If you haven't ever attended a Renaissance Fair, get thee there as soon as you can.
It is well worth your time and attention...
and the turkey legs aren't bad either......


  1. The costumes are wonderful. I think knowing how to belly dance would be neat. The 'bird lady' looks lovely and serene. I bet she is a joy to watch.

    Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

  2. It looks a very colourful affair. Fun Fun Fun.

  3. there are some folks who go all out. love the bird lady!

  4. What a colorful event! My favorite photo is the two little boys!

  5. Wonderful glimpse at the Renaissance Fair. I've never been but it looks like something I'd enjoy. I must have a look at where in Tennessee I might get to see one.
    Your photos have captured the flow and energy of the dancers.

  6. they have one every year at the Ringling Art Museum, with jousting knights on horse, the whole shebang. it is 10 miles from me, but no way will i fight the traffic and the hordes of people who go there. my son used to dress up and do sword fights. i love those boots, if you get yours get me some too. the detail is incredible. all the costumes are great and so are your shots of them.

  7. I've been to one in California and found it fascinating. Native Americans also have a bird dance with costume that's beautiful. Great photos. How did you do selling your photos?

  8. this looks like lot's of fun. we have one here and i have never attended, i may change that!!

  9. Thanks for sharing the photos of this event ... fantastic costumes ...
    LG: Karin

  10. I hope to be somewhere in the US someday at some point when a Renaissance Fair is going on... they always look like so much fun! :o)

    We don't have them here, closest thing would be the Medieval Markets which are a lot of fun, but nowhere near as intricate as some of these!

  11. I want to go every year and every year, I miss it. Grr!

  12. It was a great place to be with a camera. Great shots with lots of color.


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