Thursday, September 22, 2011

This and That from the Woods...

From Spring until Summer I love taking trips out in the woods
to find wildlife and the beauty of nature.

Evening Nightshade:

A muskrat hut:

Fresh, green pine tree growth:

Even Picker Bushes have beauty:

A RED dragonfly!:

River foam and bubbles on rocks:

I loved this stick, poking through the river foam!:
(It looked like it was wearing a river foam tutu!)

Rushing water over river rocks:

I hope you were able to get outside this summer to see some of these things for yourself...
if still have autumn to embrace!
Our leaves are changing rapidly here and by next week I hope to get out almost every day with my camera to capture their beauty.
I  hope you can get outside to breathe that crisp fall air, too!
Your spirit will thank you for it!


  1. nice captures...esp that first pic of the river foam...the bubbles make a nice texture in the pic...

  2. Breathtaking, all of the beauty God created. You have such a pretty area to capture it all.

    I will be looking for your fall photos.

  3. What? No dragonfly porn? Great pics and I am loving this cooler weather! Looking forward to you beautiful fall pics!

  4. Beautiful photos. I love our woods. Today I post of trees. Trees - our four sisters .
    Cheers from Perth!

  5. Everything coming out of the woods is beautiful.

  6. just beautiful. loved the pine and the river rocks best. i am looking forward to seeing your color as we usually don't get much, and this year probably not even that...

  7. I really enjoyed all these photos. And I love your sense of humor!

  8. wonderful....i LOVE the green pine tree, so crisp and clear proving the simpliest objects can produce the most wonderful pictures!!

  9. I especially like the water flowing over the rocks in that last shot!

  10. Wonderful photos , you always pick the most interesting subjects and make then look amazing in your photos! Have a wonderful first day of fall .

  11. There is such beauty in the small things!
    A day doesn't feel right to me if I haven't been outside at least for a bit. We're still pretty green around here, just a few early trees and shrubs sowing a hint of color, but the garden is looking tired. It's that in between season where we just enjoy what's there and wait for the big fall clean up. And there are big spiders everywhere!

  12. Spending as much time outside as possible these days,for they will not last. I love all the shots.

  13. I literally oohed and awed over the red dragonfly! Love water.

    Can hardly wait to see the fall pics!! :)

  14. Joan, your photos made me look at things with different eyes! thanks for always inspiring us.


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