Friday, September 23, 2011

We have a WINNER!!!: August's FREE PHOTO CONTEST: Theme: Lakes, Ponds, Rivers or Creeks!!

We finally have our Judge's pick for our winner of the August 2011

The theme was: Lakes Ponds, Rivers or Creeks

It is a wonderful shot....


The Judges were torn between several of the entries submitted.

But, after careful consideration of theme, color, subject, emotion-evoking feel, and general wonderful
photo criteria, 

THIS is the winning photo that was chosen:

(Drum roll, please...............)

Congratulations PAZ!!!!

This was taken in Ireland and if you get the chance to go to Paz's blog at: "Pictures of Ireland"
you will find many other photos of his pastoral land that are lovely too!

Congratulations to Paz and thanks for sharing Ireland's beauty with us!!

Special mention of other entries goes to:
--Sharon W.
--Jeanette G

Once again, I really want to thank every single person that took the time to enter in the contest....the Judges are having such a difficult time deciding on one winner each month.  As you see, they are taking longer and longer to decide and get back to me, even though they are different judges each time....(some judges have be re-asked to do more than one contest, but I alternate several of them).  

Job well done!!!

Don't forget to get your Sept. entry in for the FREE PHOTO CONTEST....

The theme is:


Get your entry in before midnight on Sept. 30, 2011
following THESE RULES.
You don't have to be a Blogger to enter.


  1. Fantastic blend of colours. I love the way the road curves round and ends abruptly by the water. I like Ireland very much so I think I'll pop across to Paz's blog.

  2. As I said in my mail this put a smile on my face on what was a depressing day.

  3. Congratulations Paz..really beautiful photo!

  4. Congratulations to Paz! Beautiful area and a great photo. :)

  5. Well deserved...
    Thanks for the special mention for the second time running!!
    Hope I go one step further:)
    Have a fabulous weekend:)

  6. Another fun contest. And congrats to Paz!

  7. Great choice!! Congratulations Paz.

  8. gorgeous photo!! congrats paz....and congrats to everyone, they were all beautiful!!

  9. What a gorgeous photo, such lovely colors. Nice choice.

  10. A well deserved win Congratulations to Paz.

  11. Congrats to Paz! That is definitely a winner!

  12. Congrats to Paz! That is a beautiful photo.


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