Monday, September 12, 2011

A Summer Trip out into the Wilderness: Part FOUR

Today, we continue with my mid-summer trip
out in the woods.

I love it when we just drive out and see what my lens can find!

I love, love flag iris out in the wild!:

And spying butterflies on wildflowers! (Devil's paintbrush!):

 Little ducks in the pond:

Evening Primrose profile:

A trio of them!:


The day we went riding to our usual ponds, there were BUNCHES of these gorgeous
flag iris in bloom everywhere!:
As you can imagine,
I took a bizillion photos of them out there.

Guess what my next blogpost will be of???

Don't forget to enter SEPTEMBER's

This month's theme is:


Get your photos in no later than midnight on Sept. 30, 2011

You don't have to be a Blogger to enter!


  1. these are wonderful....the fawn, my favorite!!!

  2. Oh my goodness! The ducks, the deer, the primroses! This post could be called "Elizabeth's favorite things!" :)

  3. I've also been out this weekend just like you, taking photos of whatever is in front of me, and in times like these we see interesting things that we didn't know are very beautiful, most especially when they are captured just like these photos.

  4. Oh man, that fawn picture is too cute!! Love it!

  5. Pretty Primrose. And a daring dragonfly post as well. You always have such an abundance of great shots.

  6. forget the duck, I LOVE the pond he is in. i did not know Iris grew in the wild, they are lovely. all of your found treasures are beautiful today.

  7. The ducks are woodducks. I really like the young one looking for it's mother.

  8. Just beautiful! I love how nature always surprises and nourishes the soul.

  9. Love the fawn and the spot where the ducks were looks silently beautiful. The yellow primrose are gorgeous. Can hardly wait to see more of the wild irises! :)

  10. Oh wow! The butterfly, the primroses, the fawn--all terrific shots!

  11. Fantastic photos ! Papa and I often do the same we call out to eachother "ROAD TRIP " and off we go with our cameras the best time to take photos its awesome ! Have a wonderful day !

  12. perfectly beautiful. the yellow primrose are stunning...

  13. Awww! Those ducks and the little fawn are so cute. Beautiful flowers also!!

  14. A photographer friend of mine used to take gorgeous close ups of the flag iris- such an exquisite flower. He died too young and your photos brought sweet memories.

  15. You and your camera captured the beauty of nature so well. I enjoyed each shot.

  16. The fawn has to be favourite... but the flag iris is special too.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: