Saturday, September 10, 2011


I don't know about where you live...
but where I live, there seemed to be an over-abundance
of dragonflies this summer.

Mind you, I am not complaining.

I love them along with the damselflies!

Today, I am sharing some shots I got of them in just one day,
in one place...

They love hanging around ponds:


They love to mate.

(Don't look, Ethel! was too late, she already got a free shot):

Yes, you guessed it...
another mating pair:

This guy must think it is a drive-in (I mean a FLY-in) Spider Buffet restaurant:

This is getting ridiculous!!

Have they NO shame??:

If I keep taking these kinds of pictures,
I am going to have to put a PG-13 rating on my blog.


  1. so cool...dragonflies are awesome....nice close ups

  2. The dragon fly perched on top of the arched leaf is my favorite...he seems to be leaning on his 'elbow'...impatient with the camera lady perhaps! :)

  3. Love dragonflies and had to rush to see the photos. LOL! Even the X-rated photos are superb. ;)

  4. LOVE the one with the fly on the branch with the cobwebs...perfection!

    I had to cover my eyes....blushing...

    You sure captured them perfectly, I have tried but they wont sit still long enough for me to focus on them.

    Hope your day is blessed.

  5. And when you look closely at their wings, there doesn't seem to be enough surface for flight given their intricate lace cut-out design.

  6. More insect porn! You should be ashamed! lol

  7. Spider Buffet restaurant ... that one made me laugh.
    I put the blindfold on so I wouldn't get carried away by indulging insects!

  8. no wonder there are so many of them around, we have had more than normal for us, they hang around our pool, and dip in for water. the wings in these are so beautiful, like gossamer and so fragile

  9. Ha ha! Love the reference to that goofy old song!!

  10. All we have here are flies. lol! Thankfully, not too many of them.

    Great pics!

  11. Dragonflies are mesmerising! And you got some gorgeous (if slightly pornographic) shots of them :o)

  12. They are interesting little creatures. I always thought they hung over water but this summer I saw so many of them up in the country where there was no water or ponds. Everyone told me that there are lots of them everywhere this year. I wonder what that means? Awesome pictures Joan!!

  13. You seem to have seen a lot of them in pairs! I wonder why the others body tip is on top of the male's head always! We saw lots of different colors of dragonflies near the falls we last saw, but i haven't taken many photos because our concentration was on the falls. I wish we had more time to linger and watch other creatures like those dragonflies.

  14. Oh my goodness XXX dragonflies! What is this world coming to?

    I love the one that looks purple, he is adorable.


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