Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All about Flags.............

In my last blogposts, I took you out in the wilderness with me, 
which included some beaver ponds full of wild flag iris....

We saw so many, that today...
I decided that I had to do an entire blogpost devoted just to them.

I love that they grow in so many unexpected places..
like here...amongst old dead wood:

Or hidden in tall grass:

Or in clumps along pond's full of lily pads edges:

Heads open and turned toward the sun:

Or in groups, like a family on a picnic outing:

Or, two lovers, hiding in an intimate secret spot by themselves:

Or  bravely, vulnerably living on the water's edge:

A full bloom and a promise of a bloom, side by side:

They were everywhere...purple beauties!:

So many....
that I have to do just one more blogpost to share more with you next time!


  1. Gorgeous. The first picture is my very favourite.I like the old logs,they add a depth to the image.

  2. these wild beauties rival the beauty of the ones in the solarium at Selby Gardens, i much prefer them in the wild. so beautiful right where God chose to plant them.

  3. I love the full bloom and promise of a bloom!

  4. this was wonderful! and your commentary made it even more special!!!

  5. gorgeous and the color, just for me.....right?!?!

  6. Loved the captions! I think my favorite is against the dead wood, just because of the contrast--but loved them all! :)

  7. I never knew these flowers existed till you started putting up your photos!! They are wonderful! Thanks for enlightening me!

  8. beautiful!!! must have been an amazing walk! :o)

  9. They are such a beautiful colour. The different shots are engaging .


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: