Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Summer Trip out into the Wilderness: Part THREE

Our journey continues together
as I share my trip out into the U.P. woods with you today.

This little butterfly was very elusive and kept jumping from flower to flower, but I finally had a second where he was still on some daisies:

Cone heads!:

I love me some daisies!:

Another damselfly shot: (I just can't help myself!):

They are just so stinkin' cute!:

The Devil's paintbrush.
I must admit, he may be rotten, but he has good taste in colorful wildflowers!:

Look hard...there are some damselflies in this shot:
(Did you guess how many?)

Yes, THREE are in this shot.

Not only am I addicted to dandelion puffs, damselflies, daisies, turtles, ponds,
but show me an old gnarly tree or a fallen tree with great roots,
and I am a goner:

Some girls get excited over a new pair of high heels....

Old roots excite me.

What can I say?

Good thing I live where I live and not New York City....


  1. Oh, no way could I be a city gal. I am lovin; your photos, the pine cones are right up my ally and they are on the Fur tree!! Oh my, the fragrance... none like it anywhere.

  2. Wonderful photos ! I like photographing trees as well they can have so much character ! Have a great day !

  3. oh, a big amen to all of this! loved it! the devil's paintbrush was always one of my favorite wildflowers when i was a little girl in Wis. it still always makes me homesick to see them in blogs now...

  4. Love the first photo the most, I think. Although they are all awesome, again!

  5. Gnarly tree lover? Me too! Great shots.

  6. No high heels for me, either! These are great! That little butterfly is beautiful and I don't think I've seen one with those markings before. Love me some daisies and damselflies. And the Devil's paintbrush--striking! I'm going to have to come back to these in the winter. ;)

  7. I agree with you.Give me some daisies or other nature and I am happy,id on't need that new pair of heel.I love all these shots.

  8. me to on the excitement of old roots. love that shot and that neon tiny little damselfly is gorgeous. so is the teeny tiny b fly
    and i LOVE the pine cones, i think I smell the pine

  9. Me too, I like photographing trees. I should do it more often. I liked the damsel flies, their iridescent colour is wonderful.

  10. I loves me some mountains. It's a good thing I live where I live. ; )

  11. Great post I don't see many damselflies hear. Your flowers are beautiful.

  12. I enjoy all your photos but the two close up daisy shots are my favourites today.

  13. hahaha.....i'll take a new lens over new shoes or jewlery any ole day!!

    i have 100's of pictures, of one subject, that all look the same, what's wrong with us?!?!

    beautiful set of photo's!!

  14. Wonderful woods photos. The pine cone one is marvelous. All the flowers and bugs look good. You are really in the deep woods.


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