Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Summer trip out into the Wilderness: Part TWO...

Today, we continue my series of photos
from a trip out in the wilderness of the U.P. of Michigan
taken early to mid-summer.

Two friends on some thimbleberry blossoms:

A blue damselfly on some greenery:

I just loved the black wings on this damselfly on the rocks:

More thimbleberry blossoms:

Another colorful friend stopped by:

Can you tell I love winged creatures?:

Center of an evening primrose:

One of my very smart Blogger friends told me that when butterflies gather like this on a road,
they are "puddling".
Don't you just love smart blogger friends??:

The flag iris were pretty enough...but when this butterfly landed on them,
I had NO CHOICE but to take the photo:

This guy was walking along the ground. He saw the stick and abruptly did an "about face"
and walked back the way he came.
Must have been too much of a challenge to walk over it and he didn't want to fly?:

There will be more of our adventurous day in the wilderness
in my next post.

Until then, take every chance you have to observe the little details where YOU live...
you'd be amazed what you see, if you just pay attention...


  1. always such beautiful photos, I've never seen anything like that black one.

  2. Great shots of all of the winged creatures, they are my favorites too. Maybe that last little fellow was trying to burn off some calories by walking instead of flying. :)

  3. What a beautiful butterfly. We have a lot of dragonflys here but I don't see many damselflies.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: