Wednesday, September 14, 2011

REVISED: Here They Are!! August's Free PHOTO Contest Entires!: Theme: Lakes, Ponds, Rivers or Creeks!!!

I goofed up!!!!

And I apologize!!!

I did miss one entry in August's FREE PHOTO CONTEST

but fortunately,
I JUST sent them to my judges, so I still had time to shoot them an email with this attachment
so it is fair to who I forgot to include in the blogpost....

But, fortunately for YOU, you can look at all the pictures
ONE MORE TIME today...
including the first one listed by Jacob Mc. (Who I forgot to list the first time!, so sorry Jacob!)

The theme this month was:


Here is Jacob's, which is the additional photo to the contest:

This is by Jacob Mc.  His blog is called: "Bland and Boring to Extraordinary".

This one is from Sharon W. Her blog is called: "Sharon's Paws Create".

This one is from Jeanette G. Her blog is called: "Net on the Net".

This one is from Daryl. Her blog is called: "Through my Eyes".

This one is from Paz. His blog is called "Ireland in Pictures".

This one is from Valboy. Her blog is called: "My Girlz Got Paws".

This one is from SoCalGal. Her blog is called: "Just a Chick in a Chair".

This is from CrazyCris. Her blog is called: "Here, There and Everywhere".

This one is from Diane B. Her blog is called: "Adventure Before Dementia".

This one is from LindylouMac. Her blog is called: "News from Italy".

This one is from Linda R. Her blog is called: "Linda's Letters".

This one is from DJan.  Her blog is called: "D-Janity".

This one is from Pat H. Her blog is called: "A View from the Edge".

This one is from Judy. She has two blogs. One is called: "The Road to Here" and the other one is called:  "Through Squirrel Eyes".

This one is from Arti. Her blog is called: "My Yatra Diary".

This one is from Grandmother. Her blog is called: "Journey into Elderhood".

Please, if you entered a photo into this contest and I somehow mistakenly forgot to list it here,
let me know ASAP and I will repost the blogpost to include yours. I will do this before I contact any judges, but you must let me know as soon as possible if this occurred.

Hopefully (*fingers crossed*), I didn't forget any entries this time.
Now, I ask you....
if YOU were a judge and YOU had to pick only ONE photo to choose to win this month's contest,
which one would it be????

And now....
the theme for September's 


Send me your "Shadows" photo no later than midnight on Sept. 30, 2011

You don't have to be a Blogger to enter.


  1. I would choose the one from SoCalGal...
    But thats only just, all of them are excellent!!
    All the best to the judges :-P

  2. Oh boy what a simply great selection of entries, I certainly do not envy the judges their task!

  3. Boy, that is a difficult one, I would hate to have to choose. But the one that speaks to me is from Valboy.

  4. Oh yes, these are all lovely shots and I see a few familiar names among these blogger. Nicely done, all!

  5. WOW and Wow again!!! these are awesome

  6. Fantastic photos again I could not pick just one ! Good luck to all , have a great day !

  7. beautiful, beautiful, and even more beautiful! all of them are spectacular!!!

  8. W O W!!!! You are right! They outdid themselves! Totally wonderful. Good luck to the judges!!!

  9. Every picture is an awesome piece of work but I like the one from CrazyCris because it evoked my imagination. I felt a story coming on when I looked at it.

  10. I was anxious to see where everyone had ventured to take pictures. All are such wonderful photos.

  11. Each one is gorgeous, I love all the different takes on the theme.

  12. Seriously, I love them all. So many different approaches and techniques. Wow.

  13. Im sorry to say you forgot to put my photo in

  14. Wow! We are talking some tough competition here! Good luck to all the entrants - and judges - boy do YOU have a tough decision to make!

  15. There's quite a lot of geography covered in these photos!

  16. these are just amazing, so many talented people!!!

  17. They are all very good and varied. I like the drama in Arti's.

  18. Me too..I sent you one:) These are all wonderful:)

  19. Oh my what beauties! I'm glad I'm not in the judges' shoes! ;o)

    If I had to choose, I think I'd go with Arti's. Looks like a glacier river rushing through a glacial valley and just brings back so many memories from my recent trip to New Zealand!

    @Valerie: when I took that picture it kind of felt like we were in the middle of a story! Just walking, and walking and walking towards the clouds... wondering where the reservoir had disappeared to! The clouds teasing us with glimpses and then hiding it all again, as if playing a game. Twas a beautiful day during a very dry summer in Mallorca... :o)

  20. As usual they are all wonderful, it is difficult to choose just one. Congratulations for the success of these photo contest you are hosting.

  21. All are such fantastic photos again I couldnt choose just one! Have a wonderful day !

  22. Poor Jacob! Good thing you caught that in time, 'cause his photo is not at all "bland and boring"! The woman reminds me about how I've felt on numerous occasions gazing at water. :o)

  23. happy to see them once again!! gorgeous!!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: