Friday, September 16, 2011

All About Flags...Part TWO

Today, I am finishing my blogposts about beautiful wild, Flag Iris...
(If you missed Part ONE, just drop below this blogpost to see it).

When I got out in the wilderness and saw the wonder of Iris everywhere, 
I just had to take a ton of photos!

They were found a lot along small ponds way out in the woods, in glorious clumps:

Amongst the lily pads:

Reflecting in the waters:

Partnering with the dandelions:

Each one, an individual beauty:

Sharing the stage with yellow water lilies:

I loved how this looked like a little circular island, full of them:

Each one an individual miracle:

Just look up closer!:

A magical spot for them to live:

An entire field of them!:

Each one is gorgeous:

And stunning also in groups:

I loved this spot.
Old, twisted wood, a pond and if you look in the background....
a garden of wild flag iris:
I stayed at that pond for quite a while...
just taking in all the wild beauty....

while I did,
another beautiful moment arrived:
A butterfly landed right beside the iris....

What more could a photographer ask for????

Over half the month is over, folks!
Don't forget to enter your photo
to the
no later than midnight, Sept. 30th, 2011

The theme this month is:


Just follow THESE RULES.

You don't have to be a Blogger to enter.


  1. it really is a magical spot...lovely flowers in natures own little arrangements...

  2. i love them all, but the one that stands out for me is the circular island shot and the pond showing all the dead trees. wow. also like the flying flower that landed in your photo. beautiful places to wander.

  3. I have never seen irises growing wild they provide such beauty. No wonder you could stay for ages. The shots are stunning.

  4. magic....mother nature is the best!!

  5. Awesome photos. We have lots of different wild flowers here as well growing on the river banks and in the woods down the road from us , it is soo pretty to walk through it all and take photos. Have a wonderful day !

  6. you brought tears to my eyes this morning. so beautiful.

  7. The wider shots of the pond just struck me today! So secluded and peaceful. I think the one I love the best is the one with the clump of irises growing out in the middle of the water! You never fail to amaze us with the beauty of nature. :)

  8. I wrote a long post and guess someone else was doing same because I got wiped out and it said start over. grrrr
    are Iris and Flags the same. I have Iris all over my yard but they look a little larger and not quite so fragile.

  9. You take amazing photos--I know I've said it before, but it is true.


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