Saturday, August 6, 2011

Things that Start with a B...

Today, is a hodgepodge of left over photos...
that start with a B...

Bee Balm blossoms,
and of course,

I love the shape of the bee balm petals and base...the base reminds me of a little pineapple!~:

A whole bush full of blossoms!:

A bee balm BUD:

The center looks like a firework!:

We were out in the woods one day and these butterflies were all OVER the roads!:

They were just dancing about each other:

May your day today be Beeee-EAUTIFUL too!


  1. Beautiful bee-balms and butterflies, the latter never stay still enough for me.

  2. I want a bee balm. these are magnifico. i am going to goolge to see if they would grow here and if there are seed... I want one I want one. i would love to see all the butterflies like that, only see a few at a time.

  3. nice..the bee balms are gorgeous..there bodies look covered in fishnet...

  4. Both the flowers and the bees are beautiful, picture perfect. I just wonder why it is called a bee balm!

  5. Awesome photos ! Oh my I can hardley get a photo of one butterfly let alone 4 or 5 lol The flowers you call Bee balm they are known over here as Bachelor Buttons lol . Have a wonderful day !

  6. your bee balm is so different than that which we have in Texas. very pretty!

  7. OK, try saying bee balm bud three times fast! Wonderful shots! I wish I could get out and about and get some of nature's shots, so thanks for sharing!

  8. The butterfly closeups are especially amazing!

  9. THanks for the beautiful 'B' images,

  10. The flower is everything you said and more, I love the base and the firework explosion of petals. The bud is exceptional.

  11. Gorgeous colors .. and what a nice collection of butterfly shots!

  12. The bee-balms are such a splashy, happy flower! No wonder the butterflies love them. Great shots, as always. Hope you're having a good weekend. :)

  13. I have never seen a bee balm plant . What a startlingly attractive flower. Thanks for showing it to us.

  14. Hi, I must thank you for naming the bee balm... I have them in my garden and couldn't find out what they were. I think I need to update my flower books. Loved the butterflies too. Lovely blog.

  15. Very nice shots to share. The butterflies are puddling, eating minerals to make them more potent for reproduction. I love to find large groups like this.

  16. Lovely flower and butterflies. Your photos are always beautiful.

  17. Your photos are lovely, as usual!
    Others may say their 'bee balm' is different because your flower is actually Centaurea montana, or Mountain cornflower. Bee balm is Monarda.

  18. I always see something different on this blog! I've never seen bee balm flowers before! Those are beautiful!I believe those are swallowtail butterflies! They are just lovely!

  19. B is also for breathtaking.. which these photos surely are.

  20. Look at all those butters. I only had one. I didn't realize that bee balm came in that color. I will have to look for it when I look through the seed catalogs. Great shots.


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