Monday, August 8, 2011

Chains and Spiderwebs!

Today, my post is a little different.

I usually post nature photos....
wildlife photos.

But, about a month ago, we went to an old building that we use for storage
to pick something up.
The building is very old.
It is very dusty.
It has cobwebs.

When we got to the place where we have to climb a ladder to get things
up in the attic of the storage building,
I happened to notice that the sun was hitting
a huge web that was connected to a padlock hooked to the old wooden door that
opens up to the attic.

Of course, I had to run for my camera!!

Then, I had to "play with the image" in black and white and in sepia.
Along with other angles.

A lot of these images will look the same, but they are subtly different.

The specks are are looking "through" the web towards the padlock:

I loved the texture of the wood on the door:

Isn't it fun to look at "ordinary" things
find a photography exercise and challenge in them?


  1. the sepia and b&w tones really bring that wood to life. love it!

  2. it is fun to do it myself and fun to see what you saw. the sun shining on the web makes it look like a flashlight. if the sun had not been hitting it you would have missed it, and 10 minutes later you could not get these shots. webs are hard to shoot. i am leaning towards the sepia prints but like all of them

  3. You have a great sense of good design. One can check that by looking at noncolor shots and see how the compositions look. It is fun to take pictures of the not so usual.

  4. Wow! the black and white and even the sepia make those shots much more interesting than if they had been in full color. Some almost look ethereal!

  5. Fascinating images.I can tell you had a lot of fun.That is what photography is all about.

  6. When you have photography in the blood, everthing is a photo shoot. Awesome work and I love the sepia with the blue web.

  7. Love the way you did these photos really shows the subject well theres nothing like a photo challenge ! Great job ! Have a wonderful day !

  8. TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I hate spiders but I love to try to photo their handiwork!

  9. the texture of the wood is amazing

  10. There is beauty in everything.
    Only you must discover it sometimes..
    As you did.

  11. wow....i love this, thinking outside the box. i mentioned this in a post a few days ago. i always photgraph the obvious but i am learning to think differently as i connect with people here.

    the silly part of me said "awesome, save these for halloween" ;)!!!!

  12. Love the close ups with quite a bit of that textured wood! Perfect moment with the sun hitting the web. :)

  13. Great experiments. The sepia ones gave the pictures an eerie feel,I kept waiting for the spider to jump out at me.

    Valerie, wearing hat.

  14. Joan, this is nothing short of art! I love everything about them!

  15. Enjoyed your different styles and tones.

  16. I'd be afraid of the spider(s) coming to look for me. lol!

    I was in Sequoia Nat. Park (BIG trees), leaned against one of them, and looked up. I took a whole role of film (this was back in the day) of the sun shining through them. I don't know if I have those pics anymore though. I should look.

  17. I'm glad you grabbed your camera so you could experiment with these pictures. I like the detail that both the black and white and sepia bring out. But did you ever get what you went to get from storage?

  18. Hi Joan, That's what photographers love to do---to take shots of interesting and different things. You got some great pictures inside that old building... Seeing all of those chains and cobwebs did make me chill though... ha

    Great pictures.

  19. Very cool ~ it makes me want to get into your shed with you to explore!
    'hugs from afar'

  20. It's fun doing things like this with photos. You got a lot of great shots. I especially like the fourth one.

  21. This is why I love old building! That is one cool spider's web. Great shots Joan, I love both the b/w and the sepia.


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