Wednesday, August 3, 2011

NEW REPOST!:::Here They Are!! July's FREE PHOTO CONTEST entries: Theme: BIRDS!!!

 This is a REPOST....of all the photo entries we received
I FORGOT one entry!

My deepest apologies to Pat. H. for not including her photo
the first time I published the entries...

So, if you already read this,
drop right below all this gabbing
and see Pat's entry, too....
I put it as the FIRST one so if you have seen the others, you don't have to go down the list again.

If you love birds, you are going to LOVE this blogpost.

If you love PHOTO contests, you are going to love this blogpost.

If you love blogposts, you are going to love this blogpost. (LOL)

Once again, the people that entered photos into our monthly
outdid themselves again this month.
So, grab something frosty to drink (it is HOT out there for most of us!)
and kick off your flip-flops
enjoy these photo contest entries:

This one is from Pat H.  Her blog is called: "A View from the Edge".

This is from Bilsot. His blog is called: "Amateur Photographer".

This is from Debbie Lo. Her blog is called: "Debbie's Digest"

This one is from Arti. Her blog is called: "My Yatra Diary".

This one is from Cathy C. Her blog is called:"Yooper Yarns".

This one is from Sharon W. Her blog is called: "Sharon's Paws Create".

This one is from Debbie. Her blog is called: "It's all about Purple".

This one is from DJan. Her blog is called: "D-Janity"

This is from Patrick T. His blog is called: "Extremely Overdue".

This one is from Linda R.  Her blog is called: "Linda's Letters".

This one is from Carmen. Her blog is called: "Carmen's Chronicles".

This is from Daryl E. Her (yes it is a woman!) blog is called: "Through my Eyes".

This is from Jacob Mc.  His blog is called: "Bland and Boring to Extraordinary".

This one is from Andrea A. She did not list a blog.

This is from LindyLouMac.  Her blog is called: "News from Italy".

This is from Val Boy. Her blog is called: "My Girlz Got Paws".

This one is from Sandra. Her blog is called: "Madsnapper".

This is from Larry B. He has two blogs. One is called: "Larry's Creative Zone" and the other one is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

Wasn't that a FANTASTIC selection of bird photos????
For those of you that don't take any kind of wildlife photos, please know that catching birds is one of the hardest photos to get. Not only are they skiddish, but it is hard to get a clear shot or a closeup shot of them.  I admire every-one-of-you-that-entered's talent!
Thank you so much for entering!!

If you entered the July contest, and I accidentally forgot to include your entry photo in this blogpost, please notify me IMMEDIATELY so I can repost this blogpost. It happens, as much as I try to get everybody that sent me an entry included each month.  If I don't hear from you by Friday, the contest will stand "as is". Thanks.
And NOW?
for the

It is:

Lakes, Ponds, Rivers, or Creeks!!

Get out there and find some water, people! It's hot out there and it will make you feel better, too.

Send me your photo no later than midnight on August 30, 2011,


  1. What a collection of bird pics... I loved this BLOGPOST for sure... Not so sure about the judges though, they are gonna hate this!!!!
    And as for August theme is considered isnt it a bit too big, I mean one of river, lake or pond night have sufficed... Only a personal they though, will send my entry in a couple of days...
    I love this contest on your blog, Thanks for hosting it for us:)What a collection of bird pics... I loved this BLOGPOST for sure... Not so sure about the judges though, they are gonna hate this!!!!
    And as for August theme is considered isnt it a bit too big, I mean one of river, lake or pond night have sufficed... Only a personal they though, will send my entry in a couple of days...
    I love this contest on your blog, Thanks for hosting it for us:)

  2. gorgeous, each and every one!!! i am so proud to see my photo here. can i blog about this and add a link?? let me know!!

    amazing, good luck everyone.

    now i am off to start some water photo's!!!

  3. so glad i am not a judge, these are really great and such a variety. lots of sweeties here today

  4. those are all beautiful. some of them are absolutely stunning! thanks for sharing them!

  5. They are all fantstic, feww I couldnt just pick one ! Good luck to all and to all excellant photos !

  6. Oh my, I love these. I know exactly how hard it is to get good shots of birds. I'm especially fond of DJan's capture of a hovering hummingbird, and I like the lovely colors in Debbie's chickadee photo.

  7. To clarify the August theme for photo can enter a picture of EITHER a lake scene, river scene OR a creek scene...!! You don't have to enter a photo showing ALL of them.

  8. I just didn't get it together to send a pic to you, but based on these others, mine wouldn't have won, but I guess that isn't the point. I may just send it when I find it anyway, just for fun. We did get to see all four grand children the last two weeks, so that is where my time and energy went.

  9. wow, tough job to pick a winner here

  10. every month i try to pick the one...there are at least 7 i would struggle with determining which was the best...great shots...

  11. That hummingbird shot is really good and so are all of the others! Wouldn't want to be a judge!

  12. Thanks for reposting to add my birdie photo! I appreciate it!

    All of these photos are just wonderful! Some made me laugh, some made me wish I could be IN the photo, some made me thing, "Boy, I wish I had taken that photo!" Good luck to everyone!

  13. Great group of photos, Joan.. I love the Chickadee... That's an incredible picture of him... But some of the others are very good also. The hummingbird is precious!


  14. Wow! these entries are amazing! Such great shots, every one of them!

  15. Okies:)
    And my first comment just boomed, I guess...
    So many errors, my apologies.
    Happens sometimes when commenting from my mobile..

  16. Everyone did great..bird photos are not easy! I have been so busy, when things slow down I will enter again:)

  17. Many great photos in this group!
    Good luck to the judges...

  18. So many talented photographers and so many great photos.....and I'm not even all that crazy about birds! :)

  19. Oh wow, what an amazing assortment. The judges really have their work cut out for them this month.

    Water! Got it! I will get a photo in for this month. Promise, making a note now. :)

  20. Lovely pictures and awesome photography. Excellent work!!!

  21. Each one of them is fabulous. I am glad I don't have to choose a winner.

  22. I am very sorry, i thought i did not leave any question there unanswered. My blog is Andrea in this Lifetime, The photo of the two nestlings with lighted throats is mine. Thanks and very sorry...Andrea

  23. now that is an awesome shot of a big black crow.

  24. Pat H's crow is a great edition. Not to be missed!

  25. I certainly enjoyed these. Thanks for sharing!

  26. These are all great! Good luck picking a winner! :):)

  27. All beautiful, but I liked Linda's letters the best.

  28. Actually Daryl E is a woman not a man ...

  29. This post was just beautiful! Loved them all, but the crow always gets me -- such a smart, tough bird...


  30. Oh my goodness what a stunning collection of entries, one again thanks for organising this competition. I do not envy the judges having to decide from these which is best! May I also ask if you would list me as LindyLouMac, thanks. :)

  31. Wow.. these are lovely. And wouldn't you know it.. two of them are by two of my favourite bloggers.. DJan and Daryl.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: