Monday, August 1, 2011

Butterflies and Flowers....

I bought this rustic garden moose at a yard sale
and stuck it in one of my gardens.

I was tickled one day to look off my porch and see a goldfinch
on its back:

Nothing like baby birds!
This one is a baby Grackle:

A lupine, bent from the rain and wind:

Bleeding hearts:

A bee on an unknown blooming branch:

A butterfly on lilacs:

A columbine full of seed pods:

Another columbine. I  just love their shape, their tendrils:

I think they call this hawkweed?:

There is just something about flowers and butterflies
that makes me never want to waste a single day in the summer...
how about you?


  1. Beautiful photographs. The birds and flowers are, of course, in themselves beautiful, but it takes a photographer of talent to bring that beauty to the eye of someone thousands of miles away.

  2. gosh, these are all gorgeous. you share such lovely photos and beauty. i'm glad to have landed at your blog (finally!)

  3. what a cool wood moose...the columbine does have a very cool shape...and nice capture of the those sky dancers...

  4. You sure know about flowers!! And obviously how to make them look their best! All I know about flowers is they are sometimes called posies!

  5. Your photography keeps getting better and better! :D I've never heard of a grackle before... I wonder if we have them? We really only have cardinals and bluejays... Oh, and seagulls and crows! Lots of those :/

  6. oh boy, a cackle from a grackle. looks just like he is cackling out loud. i forgot to mention your moose bargain in yesterdays post, there was so much to comment on. i really like it and what a steal. now that is something i would have bought myself. he is really cool. took a lot of talent to create him.

  7. This whole post just made me smile....the finch on the wooden moose, the baby grackle (I've never seen a baby grackle before!)....but my favorite of these is the butterfly on the lilacs! Oh my, how beautiful that is...and so colorful!

  8. Love the moose and that is one awesome photo with the touches of lavender in the back or is that periwinkle blue?

  9. Love your moose! Gorgeous pics, as always!! :):)

  10. Love the baby grackle! What a cutie! I found a baby swallow the other day who had fallen from a very high nest. I tried to save him, but, alas, he didn't make it. The lupine picture is wonderful as well.

  11. Wow! The butterfly shots and the columbine are amazing!

  12. Just gorgeous photographs, you are correct, makes you want to savor each summer's day.
    I love, the shot of the baby bird, so sweet.

  13. Such great photos ... love that little grackle!

  14. I love all these pictures,but my favourite has to be the Columbine.

  15. "and i don't want to miss a thing" great song from steven tyler!!

    i remember the moose....the goldfinch looks perfect there!!!

    gorgeous variety today, brought me many smiles!!

  16. All of your photos are absolutely gorgeous Joan but I love that sweet little baby Grackle! Too cute.

    Oops! I just realized what I forgot to send you. I am now tying a string around my finger for next month!

  17. They are relaxing to watch, birds, bees and butterflies. Super shots.

  18. Wonderful shots. Your moose has great style and character. The colors are so great in your photos and the butterfly just wouldn't stop letting you take it's picture.

  19. Your photos are getting better! (and they were very good to begin with - IMHO) The butterfly/lilac is stunning - back lighting superb and such depth of field. Very nice work! You need to start doing people and go pro (online.)

  20. So beautiful Betsy! All of them...

  21. So beautiful Joan! you can delete that last comment by me! Duh!


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