Monday, July 4, 2011

Smitten and Distracted

I am smitten.
It happens every spring.

It's wildflowers.


Trilliums in particular.

They bloom here around Memorial Day, give or take a few weeks,
then they only live for about a week and die.

But while they are here,
they are glorious.

We were heading for a wedding late May and I spied
some on the side of the road.

I wanted to stop and get some photos, but my husband didn't think
it a good idea to hike up my long skirt to climb over the grass on a public highway in my heels to do so.
(Silly man).

But, I honored his opinion and waited until the next day to go out
to our favorite place in the woods
to capture some shots of them.

We found a whole entire hillside of them!:

I just love looking at flowers from all different angles:

Some even had some wild forget-me-nots
beside them too!:

Then I spied a beautiful light blue butterfly
flitting all over.
I must have chased him for 5 minutes and he would land
but with his wings CLOSED.

I finally captured one of him with his wings
partially open and on a wild strawberry blossom:

where WAS I?
Oh yeah..
the trilliums...
(See? Didn't I tell you I was distracted from all of Nature's wildflower beauty?)

Do you SEE why Trilliums are one of my favorite wildflower?
They are protected in Michigan and cannot be picked or transplanted:

And then the apple blossoms
came out.


And we had a flock of Bohemian Waxwings
fly into our yard and start eating the blossoms with flurry!:

Where was I (again??)

Oh,  yes...
the Trilliums!:

You can see why I get distracted
with our U.P. Spring.
Everywhere you look, there are gorgeous wildflowers
and birds and blossoms.

I wanted to get back out to take more Trillium photos and we got a few weeks straight of rain!
So it's a good thing I got out there that ONE day.

Happy 4th of July everyone!
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday filled with family and fun!


  1. Not only did I love the trilliums, but all the rest! Especially the little forget-me-nots and the butterfly you chased about. Happy 4th to you, too! :)

  2. BEAUTIFUL!! We finally had a flock of waxwings in our yard last night. They usually stay in the woods. I think they were looking for the big birdbath/fountain I use to have out. It isn't there anymore and they couldn't all fit in the small one so they left!

  3. haha. now you got me all distracted as lovely wild flowers...rather fond of the blossoms myself...

  4. wowee kozowie on the last few bird shots in the flowering trees. they are stunning and i love them. i also like the looking up from the ground shots of the flowers. so much beauty out there and you found a lot of it. wish you had lifted the dress and climbing over and had hubby take photos of it... ha ha happy 4th

  5. forgot to say i like that blue butterfly, have not seen one of those before.

  6. Loving these photos! Wild violets and Johnny Jumpups are also favorites of mine. They scream spring, don't they?
    Happy 4th to you and yours

  7. I can see why you would get distracted and what wonderful distractions these are!

    Happy Fourth of July to you and yours!

  8. Oh my.These are gorgeous.It is amazing,how a flower ,so simple can be so beautiful.

  9. Beautiful photos. You finally caught the butterfly's blue upper side! I haven't been able to yet.

  10. I love the Trilliums also. The Smokies are full of them. Great pictures, Joan... Makes me yearn for SPRING --now that we are in our hot summer here.

    Happy 4th

  11. We call those birds Cedar Waxwings but they look the same. Your photos are always so clear and sharp. I truly enjoy them.

  12. With all the beauty in your area, I don't know how you manage to get ANYTHING done around your place! LOLOL

    Absolutely gorgeous photos, as always, Joan.

  13. my favorites are the apple blossom. so pretty

  14. They're beautiful distractions indeed. Trillium are protected here in Ontario too. It's out provincial flower. You sure took some lovely shots of them. Nicely done.

  15. A million trilliums. And wonderful circle entries. I think I have a bird shot in mind. But I have a trillium of them to choose from!

  16. A truly mixed bag of wild flowers there, you never know what you're going to see.
    Happy 4th of July

  17. Love the little forget-me-nots and the butterfly! Once again, beautiful photos.


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