Saturday, July 2, 2011

Here they Are!! June's FREE PHOTO CONTEST entries: Theme: Circles

Here they ARE!!!

creativity of every single one of these!

It is such fun to give out a theme and then see what everyone comes up with!!

June's theme was:


And WAIT until you see the neat photos we received!!


NO! That's don't have to wait...

This one is from Heather W. Her blog is called: "Before/After".

This one is from Sharon W. Her blog is called: "Sharon's Paws Create".

This one is from Pat H. Her blog is called: "A View from the Edge".

This one is from LindyLouMac. Her blog is called: "News from Italy".

This one is from Jacob Mc.  His blog is called: "Bland and Boring to Extraordinary".

This one is from SoCalGal. Her blog is called: "Just a Chick in a Chair".

This one is from Arti. Her blog is called: "My Yatra Diary".

This one is from DJan. Her blog is called: "DJan-ity"

This one is from Tracy S. Her  blog is called: "My Thoughtful Spot".

This one is from Sandra H. Her blog is called: "Madsnapper".

This one is from Linda R. Her blog is called: "Linda Letters".

This one is from ValBoy. Her blog is called: "My Girlz Got Paws".

This one is from Larry B. He has two blogs. One is called: "Larry's Creative Zone" and the other one is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

This one is from Cathy M. Her blog is called: "Mom's Musings".

Weren't they creative????? I love what you guys come up with....
every time, without fail!!

And the judges are going to have a really hard time picking ONLY ONE...

My thanks to each and every one of you that enters the FREE PHOTO CONTEST
every month...I know the hard work it takes and we appreciate it so much.

By the way, if you haven't stopped by these fantastic photographer's blogs, click on each of their blog links by their entered photos and let them know you loved their photo!

Which brings me to:


It is:


I didn't say the CONTEST was for the birds....
You need to get outside, or look out your window...
and aim your lens
at a BIRD....
(or inside at your PET bird)...
It doesn't long as you snap a bird!!
You can also enter a photo of a bird from your archives, as long as you haven't 
sent it to me before.

Can't wait to see what you guys enter!
Have fun!
Send in your photo no later than midnight on July 31st, 2011

You don't have to be a Blogger to enter.


  1. This is one of the best set of pics for any theme!! Just loved all of them, pity the judges!!! I wouldnt want to be one for sure.
    Have a lovely weekend:)

  2. I was a first time entrant so as soon as this was published I popped over to have a look at the other entries. What a great selection of 'circles' Thanks for organising this fun contest, I will now give some thought to this months theme.

  3. WOW!!! These are all stunning and totally different from each other! The hot air balloons are so colorful and what I like about that shot is your eyes don't even see the baskets without really looking for them. All wonderful! GOOD LUCK PICKING JUDGES!!

  4. Wow. I had not thoughts on "circles." These guys rock! What great examples and unique ideas.

  5. these are all so awesome. never knew there were so many circles out there for us to snap. beautiful, each and every one.

  6. Yes---quite creative... Good Luck to the judges...

  7. A lot of nice photos! Good luck to everyone!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. All are marvelous. My favorite is the windmill from Sharon W. I intend to visit each of the sites a little later today.

  9. These are all amazingly creative entries, what a great idea for a post. I'm just glad I'm not a judge!

  10. A fantastic batch of circles, everyone is so creative. Good luck to the judges!

  11. these are some great ones. I think I like the cat sleeping up against the bird house. But the others are so good that it's a toss up for me.

  12. oh wow...some great shots...the hot air balloons are way cool...and the bottles...and girls got paws...and...

  13. Thanks again for sponsoring these contests each month! There are a lot of great entries! The red clay pots looks like a painting! And the do they water all those flowers so high up? Hmmm.....

  14. What good imaginations people have. I couldn't think of anything to photograph for this Joan - Dave

  15. Wow! I was blown away by not only the photos, but also the creativity of them!!! Great job, everyone! That was an enjoyable view, for sure! I don't envy the judges. LOL


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: