Monday, June 13, 2011

Spring Trip to the U.P. Woods!--Part Two

Now I am a happy woman....
the Spring runoff of melting snow is long past,
which means we can go out on the two rut roads 
in the U.P.
and look for critters and Spring/early summer scenery.

Part of the thrill for me is never knowing what we will find
around the next corner.

I LOVE seeing Partridge, but they are very shy birds and hard to capture on camera! So when we saw this one on the edge of the road, I had to scramble (quietly!) out of the car to get a shot of him:
(Have you EVER had to scramble out of a car quietly??'s an ART, I tell 'ya!!)

Does anyone know what kind of bird this is? Is it a tern? I have never seen one of these in our woods before:

Look at the SIZE of these prehistoric-looking rocks!!  If I ever had any doubt that a glacier came down and formed our land, well....this is PROOF!!:

We sure have seen the Mallards this Spring!:

In May, these were the first wildflowers on the wood's floor that we spied...Trout Lilies!:

Their bright, sunny yellow after all the dull winter browns are a delight to see...they came out here WAY before the trees got their leaves:

I spotted our first Spring turtle too!:

And then another turtle! (Can you see him on that rock...wayyyyy out on the beaver pond?)

More ducks!:


And it must be time to is the first water-skipper I saw of the season! He is floating on water in this shot...the sunlight is lighting up where each of his legs are balancing on the water:

More pictures are coming your way of our continued wilderness adventures...
hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy taking them.


That would be IMPOSSIBLE !!


  1. Fantastic photos !
    I believe the bird in the second photo is a Sand Pipper ! Have a great day !

  2. the way out in the beaver pond shot is my favorite, it is stunning and beautiful. love that yellow flower. have not seen a partridge, so thanks for that, he blends in with the backfound really well. i enjoyed by trip today seeing sights i have not seen

  3. Oh no, it is not impossible that I might enjoy looking at your pix as much as you enjoy taking them. I just wish I was out rambling on the back roads with you.


  4. that second mallard shot is awesome...great the water glider too...saw baby turkeys yesterday in the wild...about the size of softballs, so cool

  5. You know I always enjoy your pictures but seldom comment, but that last shot! Oh my!! It's just magical... thank you for sharing it! :-)

  6. Lovely photos. The yellow lily and the male mallard are especially stunning.

  7. Ah! Mighty Hunter! You have done well! These are some great images.

  8. Cool pics ~ we saw our first back yard fawn yesterday! Hoping to get pics soon!
    'hugs from afar'

  9. I agree! The picture of the water-skipper is absolutely magical! The lilies are gorgeous. I love the red-eared mud turtles or sliders or painted turtles or green turtles. (Not sure what their proper name is--have heard them called all those names.) I love when they pile up on logs to sun themselves. Never get tired of the mallards--grew up with them, too. Yup-I think that's a sandpiper.

    It is more fun for you because you get to hear and smell everything, but you bring me right back to growing up next to a small lake and prairie grass--and I can remember how it smells and sounds. Thanks so much!! :):)

  10. I love tagging along as you get these fantastic pictures.Thanks.

  11. Wow, a partridge! The only partridge I have ever seen rode in a hippie bus and were called The Partridge FAMILY!

    Yes, that is a sand piper bird.

    Enjoyed all the photos, as usual!

  12. Those are awesome magnificent shots. I especially love the water skipper because i cannot take a shot like that. But all the shots are envy-provoking. For that lily i love also the leaves, it can be domesticated for the garden, lovely.

  13. It looks like spring has officially sprung in your neck of the woods. The Trout Lilies are gorgeous and you know I love the ducks.

  14. I'd never seen a water- skipper. That's amazing!

  15. What a neat photo of the water-skipper with the sun lighting up where his legs touch the water. And the yellow lily is just gorgous. I, too, love seeing turtles in the water!

    More wonderful picture, as usual, Joan. It's like you're taking us on a tour of the U.P. while we're still in our own homes! :-)

    Tom & I will be in the U.P. for 4 days at the end of July, and hopefully we'll get to see some of the beauty that you get to enjoy every day.

  16. I love the water skipper shot. It's perfect. Your mystery bird is indeed a sandpiper. Beauties, aren't they?

  17. Great Post. I really love the Trout Lillies,and Spring turttles.

  18. I think that one little bird with the long legs is related to a piping plover. It isn't a tern. I will try to remember to send you a photo of a tern (or post it on my blog, which ever I remember first!). That insect shot is very good...glad it isn't a spider or I'd have been like that gal on the commercial about the "realistic colors" on that cell phone!

  19. Great Photos-looks like a great place to be. The bird in question looks like a Solitary Sandpiper

  20. What a great place, all kinds of wonderful critters. Your bird looks like a Solitary Sandpiper


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: