Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Outside in the U.P. !!

Sometimes you can be in the middle of the woods,
and come across electric lines and a train!:

My thrill of the day: A Baltimore Oriole! Right in our back yard!:

This beauty was right in the middle of the woods on an abandoned railroad track!:

Do you see him?:

Our little Chipping Sparrow with a Mohawk!:

I chased this little guy all over the woods because he had a beautiful light blue color when his wings were wide open...but only caught photos of him with closed wings!:

A HUGE mushroom on a tree the size of a platter!:

And, another mushroom on the tree next door, almost as big!:

If you can't think of what kind of photos to shoot,
walk outside.

Mother Nature will point them out to you.


  1. ha. thanks for taking us on the captures that took me home, esp with the train...spent a lot of time in the woods back home with a familiar feel...

  2. This is a great post. I love snapping fungus, mushrooms, and almost anything that will hold still.
    I love the Chipping Sparrow also.

  3. Yes,all we need to do is open our eyes to see something worthy of a picture.I like all the variety you have shown today.If it ever stops raining long enough for the roads to dry out,I too will be out there looking for photos. :)

  4. Fanastic photos, love trains ! Have a great day !

  5. you and i are of the same mindset. when someone says to me, i can't find anything to shoot, i say it is every where, anywhere. amazing butterfly and I laughed out loud, truly did when i saw the Mohawk. priceless and I love all trains. would love to take a train trip but the nearest Amtrak is over an hour away. if it were close i would hop on and go to Savannah on a train and relive my childhood

  6. You've got some 'splaining to do! What was I supposed to see on that one photo? It looked like a fish with it's mouth open nailed to the tree. Now I NOW that's not right! Ha ha!

    I just love the Oriole and the mohawk sparrow!

  7. That's not a mushroom! That's a bus stop for the birds! Great pictures!

  8. You get such beautiful bird photos!

  9. Love the oriole and the sparrow! You get the best shots! You must have a great camera with a zoom. :)

  10. What lovely, lovely photos. All of 'em!

  11. These are great! I love them all! That chipping sparrow with his orange mohawk just cracks me up. He looks "too cool." LOL And the mushroom from underneath looks like a huge pancake.

    Mother Nature is certainly beautiful, and the U.P. is one of the most beautiful places of all.

  12. Good to see that you had an Oriole! They are beautiful! Great photos..I enjoy going out on the backroads too now that the weather is cooperative and the dirt roads are better:)

  13. GORGEOUS!!! You definitely caught some lovely moments in nature. :o)

  14. OMG, I love that mohawk! How cute is that.

    Amen! Anyone who can't find anything to photograph in nature should just give their camera away.

  15. I know that butterfly as I've seen them dozens of times in Trinidad and tried to capture those gorgeous blue wings- never have! Love the red mohawk.

  16. What an amazing selection of photos! That sparrow amused me with his Mohawk! - Dave

  17. I love that old train. Do they still run from one end to the other of the UP?? Beautiful capture of that Oriole. Haven't seen any more around here but they might be high up in the trees and with all the foliage now I can't see them. I see those little chipping sparrows a lot around here. They do look funny with their feathers sticking up like that.. Love the butterflies. Wish I'd see some but they are over in the tall grass where I can't get a good view of them. Great post Joan!!

  18. Your bird photos are so wonderful. We have that butterfly over here but I couldn't tell you the name without looking it up on one of my older posts.

  19. They are all really nice, but the oriole is amazing!


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