Saturday, June 11, 2011

Spring Trip to the U.P. Woods!--Part One

I couldn't wait for our northern wilderness roads to dry up from the winter meltdown
so that we could go out for our first Spring ride to see what wildlife we could see.

So, in May, when the roads looked passable...
off we went to explore.

A new beaver hut on one of our favorite ponds out in the middle of nowhere:

It MUST be Spring....the chipmunks were out!:

On the way to Craig Lake, there is a place in the rock bluffs that have waterfalls every spring 
from the snow melting. There are not falls there after the Spring is over.

We came around a corner and saw this Mallard behind a tree. He hadn't seen me yet, so I quietly got out of the car and captured some shots of him:

I just love the old beaver ponds out in the middle of the woods because  you never know what kind of wildlife you will see, and their wild grasses and dead logs make them very picturesque. This time, we spied two pairs of ducks..I am not sure what kind of ducks these were:

One more shot of the waterfalls:

We saw one lone goose...I think she had a nest across the pond, so we didn't stay too long to take her photo:

More mallards!:

We also thought the Mallards were guarding a nest, too:

There was a Mallard pair at another stream area that day too:

We spent all day touring roads we had missed going on all winter....
one of our Spring rituals here that I wait for every year.

The only trouble is, if I had MY way, I would be going and doing that EVERY day now that Spring/Summer is here
and we wouldn't get much else done. 

So, I compromise with myself now to try and limit our adventures to once or twice a week instead.

An addiction like this is hard to deal with.

Is there such a thing as "Wilderness Seekers Anonymous"????
(if you know of any such support group, send me the info, STAT!)

Speaking of addictions...I hope you are addicted to my


This month's theme is:


So, get busy and look for a photo out there that fits the theme...
and send it to me no later than midnight, by June 30th.
You don't have to be a Blogger to enter,
but you DO
have to follow


  1. aww...cute little chipmunk...we are seeing the little babies all over the place...

  2. this is a beautiful spot to go, i want to see a chipmunk, never seen one, he is so cute. I can feel the peace and quiet far from the madding crowd. i would join your WSA in a heartbeat. I also need a support group for Addicted to the Click

  3. forgot to say i have never seen a beaver hut either and I want to

  4. Those male mallards are gorgeous!

  5. Beautiful photos looks to be such a peaceful area! We have a chipmunk we named Sammy here that just loves to pose for the camera lol and he loves the peanuts that get put out ! lol , Have a wonderful day !

  6. If you google Ring Necked Duck in google images I think that is what those are.

    What great pictures! I adore chipmunks and love beaver dams. Yes, I'd be out there all the time, too. There must be a support group. They have groups for everything--hehe! ;)

  7. Fantastic scenes.Going out like that can be so much fun.

  8. It seems that the UP is waking from winter quite nicely.

  9. Love all your photos. The dicks are so peaceful. That chipmunk looks different than mine. Not sure why. He has a darker face. Love all the water falls. It's beautiful up there!

  10. I love how these pictures look - soft brown color! You travel a lot and always share with us such great images! Thank you!!!

  11. Seems like a lot of mallards! That chipmunk is adorable!

    Spring is slowly fading here and the summer haze and heat is beginning *sigh*. At least I'll be able to spend hours in the water! ;o)

  12. I enjoyed your lovely nature photos and commentary - Dave

  13. That looks like a beautiful place to just chill out!

  14. Wow, so many great pictures here, and I really like this landscape:)
    Thanks for your nice comments in my blog. I appreciate it.
    As you could see, we have bright summernights right now, and yes, it's a problem to sleep. I love to stay up very long these nights.
    In my bedroom I have dark curtains,then I can sleep well even if it's bright light outside:)
    Have a nice week:)
    Greetings from,

  15. I could watch the ducks all day long, great photos Joan. Our aviary has a pair of your mystery ducks but I cannot remember the name.

  16. Really nice pictures! The U.P. is so wonderful for so many reasons, not the least of which is its beauty and the nature it holds. I love the waterfall! And how special is it that it only appears in the spring? Very cool.

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos, gal!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: