Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Winter on Lake Superior: Part Two

Here is the second set of
winter pictures
of Lake Superior
that I promised you!!

I know many of you already have green grass poking up
and some of you
even have spring flowers blooming.

Believe me,
in the U.P. (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan,
we won't see true spring
until April
and even sometimes, we still get snow in April or May.

So, we learn to love the beauty of our winters
and embrace spring with great celebration here when it finally DOES arrive!

In the meantime, enjoy our winter beauty pictures!

Icy walkway to the gorgeous lighthouse:

Ice and snow on shore!:

Winter shoreline drama!:

Island ice:

Snow coming down
on the icy walkway out to the lighthouse:

Icy shores looking out at the icy lighthouse!:

Icy islands that look like floating iceburgs!:

Another view of the winter lighthouse:

A lonely winter park bench!:

Winter's grip on the shore trees:

Long shot of the same place:

Winter lake scene:

Snowing on the
walkway to the lighthouse:

It is so hard to believe that in just a few weeks,
all of this will melt away...
life will again come to the trees and the grass,
and it will look totally different.

Nature is so amazing!


  1. love the ice island, the drama spot and the bench. beautiful photos

  2. nice. the ice structures on the shore are so cool...kinda glad we have moved on to warmer weather though...

  3. Lovely winter scenes! Glad I can experience them through your pictures and not in real life!

  4. Beautiful shots, but now that we have arrived in AZ, all I can say is brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  5. even though these images look super cold,they are spectacular.I love all those ice formations.I would hope no one would try to walk on that icy walk to the lighthouse.It looks dangerous.

  6. It looks sooooo cold! No spring in sight here in Maine, yet either! Still under a couple of feet of snow with temps in the 20s today.

  7. Yes, Joan, nature is amazing!!!! Gorgeous pictures of your area in winter... Wow!!!! Love that lighthouse...


  8. Great captures of the lake in icy conditions.

  9. Beautiful pictures but they still say BRRR...
    'hugs from afar'

  10. Wow! These are all great, but that lighthouse is amazing! Very nice Joan...

  11. Oh my goodness, they keep getting better! (NOT that I want this weather around me, believe you me, I DO NOT!!!) but it's gorgeous from afar :) I had to laugh, can you imagine taking a trek down the walkway to the lighthouse? Hah, you'd be on your tush for certain!
    The ice sculptures are magnificent.
    I had a friend in Ohio that was from UP...and living in Ohio, my husband and I always wanted to go for a visit up in your area, but just haven't gotten around to it.
    thanks to you for brightening my day!

  12. So lovely but portraying cold from every angle.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: