Thursday, March 3, 2011

Here they Are!! February 2011 Free Photo Contest Entries: Theme: Old Barns!!!

I have them for YOU.

Yes, YOU.

Here are the entries submitted into our February 2011's

The theme was:


And you won't be disappointed!

If you have submitted a photo to me following the rules and deadlines,
you do not see it below....

Please contact me immediately so that I can edit this as a repost and include it.

It is possible that I forgot somebody, and I will wait a few days to contact my judges.

So, if I goofed, let me know immediately, ok?

Now that
that is out of the way....

Here we go:

This one is from Brandon S.  He does not have a blog.

This one is from Sharon. Her blog is called: "Sharon's Paws Create"

This one is from Miss Arti. Her blog is called: "My Yatra Diary".

This is from Linda. Her blog is called: "Linda's Letters".

This is from Muffy. Her blog is called: "Muffy's Marks".

This is from Ruth H.  Her blog is called: "Ruth's Photo Blog".

This one is from Nat. Her blog is called: "Just Nat".

This one is from Connie. Her blog is called: "Far Side of Fifty Photos".

This one is from Mistaya (Gail). Her blog is called: "Life of Rescued Pound Puppies in their Own Words".

This one is from Judy.  She has two blogs. One is called: "The Road to Here" and the other one is called: "Through Squirrel Eyes".

 This one is from Teresa S. Her blog is called: "Gardening with Soule".

Weren't they ALL marvelous shots???

My poor judges!

I want to thank everybody for submitting to this month's contest and for your time in doing so.
You are the reason this contest is so much fun!!

Please tell all your readers to stop by this blogpost to see your entry into the contest.
And, why you are at it, please invite them to join my blog as a Follower??? I just noticed that I am verrrry close to 400 Followers, and that would just MAKE MY DAY if I hit 400 this week!!! SQUEEEE!!

And now, you ask....

What is the THEME for MARCH 2011's


Yes, you read that right: RED.

Submit anything you think fits the theme of RED by midnight, March 31st.
(I know, I know, green is traditionally thought of for March, but I did that last RED it is!!)

Have fun being creative and follow THESE RULES.

You don't have to be a blogger to enter.
Good luck!!!


  1. There are some really good entries this time. I started by trying to pick out my favourite but abandoned the attempt halfway through the post : too many good ones.

  2. What a difficult choice that is to pick just one winner. They are all fantastic.

  3. Wow! I didn't enter this one because I don't have ANY pictures of old barns, but I'll be back with "RED." I just LOVE so many of these pictures and I agree, how are the judges going to choose??

  4. Beautiful....tough to pick a winner!

  5. oh wow, I love barns and there are many to love here.

  6. i have no clue how you will pic just one...i kept going aww that one...but then i saw another very nice range of color in these as well...

  7. The others' photos are so beautiful... I feel completely inadequate now! I especially like Sharon, Linda and Teresa's photos.

  8. Very beautiful pics. They look absolutely gorgeous, the judges are in for a tough time as always!!

  9. These are all wonderful shots! Congrats to everyone. Glad I'm not a judge!

  10. Great theme and great entries. It will be tough to choose but Judy's really moved me. Something about the wide openess of it.

  11. I love them all. They are all wonderful ! Have a great day !

  12. That's stiff competition! Good luck to the judges. And thanks for another fun contest.

  13. I do not envy the judges. What beautiful entries. Hmm ... red ... I might come up with a picture for that theme.

  14. Gosh they are wonderful. I wanted to enter but the time got away from me and I didn't get a pic. Next time.

  15. There are some especially wonderful choices here. And what an intriguing theme for the March contest!

  16. Some really wonderful shots here.. all of them in fact.

  17. Lots of great old barns, Joan.... I have several fav's ---but the barn surrounded by tulips is my favorite picture, but not necessarily my favorite barn. My fav. barn is the old wooden one by Mistaya.... BUT--many of them are GREAT... Good Luck to the judges.

  18. Wow, they are all marvelous! You can create a beautiful calendar from them, haha!

  19. Oh they are all good..good job everyone! :)

  20. Wow! I love several of these photos!

  21. I love old barns so this is like a candy store for the my eyes, great shots by everyone.

    I just took a peek and you are at exactly 400 followers! Congrats! Are you squealing yet?

  22. I finally got round to linking your competition to my blog.... there's also an award there for you :-)


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: