Monday, February 28, 2011

Winter on Lake Superior: Part ONE

Before we left for Florida on Jan. 14th,
I took a trip to Marquette, Michigan,
which is about 30 miles from where I live.

It is where I graduated from high school and college.

I love the town and always will.

I try and get out to the shores of Lake Superior, on the edge of town
every season
to take some photos.

So, today, I have some for you and since I took so many photos,
I will do two blogposts of them for you.

Here is Set ONE:

We had some very cold temperatures
along with wind,
which makes the waves fly up against the breakwater and freeze:

the waves push up big ice chunks
against the shore:

This one was taken at dusk
of the Coast Guard station.
I loved the dark ominous sky:

I have taken photos of this log cabin on the shore before on this blog
during summer and fall.
But the drama comes in the winter, when the ice is on the cliffs beside it:

My fingers felt about as icy
as this
ice clump along the shore while taking these photos!

But it was so neat, I had to take a photo of it! (Nature doesn't wait for wimps):

More ice along the shore:

There is this spot called "Pictured Rocks" in town.
It is 3 islands right off shore and there is a little park there.
There are signs in the summer warning people NOT to try and swim to them
because there are riptides.
We have had many deaths because college kids don't listen and try to do it anyway and have drowned.

This is one of the islands in winter's grip:
They are gorgeous islands, even in the winter.

Stay tuned, more photos in this Set
coming soon on the blog!

THIS IS THE LAST day to send in your photo
into this month's FREE PHOTO CONTEST!!
This month's theme


Get your photo in my midnight, TONIGHT
by following
You don't have to be a Blogger to enter. 


  1. I love, love, love the photos of the cabin and will never get tired of seeing it. Can't imagine that much ice!

  2. i have never even heard of frozen waves and now I have seen them. these are really awesome photos and all of them are beautiful. what a fun photo shoot. i am feeling a little chilly right now though

  3. the light house pics are so cool...the ice clinging to the rocks...light houses are a fav metaphor

  4. Those pictures are fantastic!!!! The one that really took my breath away was the one of the light house. What a wonderful site. It would be magical as a large picture on a wall. You have such a wonderful eye for a scene to capture on film.

  5. Wonderful photos. Love the lighthouse, especially!

  6. Wonderful pictures!!! Thanks for braving the elements to get such good ones!

  7. I am amazed at all the ice on shore.These are the kinds of scenes I don't see on the prairies,so I really enjoy them.Thanks for the walk.

  8. Oh my goodness, those photos are simply gorgeous! I agree, nature does NOT wait for wimps; especially in regards to these photos...just stunning!
    thank you so much for sharing these!

  9. Beautiful photos.
    We are loosing a lot of our snow now thank goodness we had tons of rain last night and even a thunderstorm the temps are getting warmer and the sun is shining. Come on spring ! Have a great day !

  10. Beautiful photos Joan! Tell me, are you part Eskimo?

  11. Wonderful wintry images. Such stark beauty!

  12. Fabulous pictures, Joan... I love seeing the lake in winter... That ice is just gorgeous... Great photos.... Thanks for sharing.

    I'd love to have that log cabin in summer. Why don't you buy it for me?????

  13. Lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing!!

  14. Gorgeous photos, it's great fun revisiting old haunts.

  15. Wow, those icy pictures are just amazin'!!! I'm so glad ya have your frozen fingers all thawed out by now!

    God bless and have a beautifully warm day! place :o)

  16. Looks cold there..but beautiful..I like the Light House too:)


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