Friday, March 4, 2011

Trip to Florida: Part ONE

I know by NOW
you must be tired of winter, no matter WHERE you live.

And, I have other winter pictures to still show you.

But not now.

Because we went to Florida for a few weeks
and I want to think sunshine right now
and share those photos with you instead.

So put on your flip flops, grab a Marguerita and lets get dancing, shall we?

In this first series, I am just going to show some random
Florida shots for you.

I have specific places I will show you as time goes on,
but for the first few photos in the blogpost series, I just want to show you random
Florida pictures instead.

These little critters are all about.
They don't scare me or creep me out....I think they are cute.

I think they are called Anoles:

Here is a different shot of another one:

This was taken on the Atlantic side of Florida, on the Lantana beach, near West Palm Beach.
I thought this little toddler looked so cute on the beach.
His mom was just to the left watching him...but he was sooo focused on playing in the beach sand:

Madeira Beach. On the gulf side of Florida, south of Tampa:

Here they are...empty and waiting for YOU:

you can always go cruising on the water:

We took a car trip down from Madeira Beach to Bradenton.
This is the bridge we had to drive over to get there...
loved the architecture of the bridge!:

This time, his sister joined him in the sand activities!:

I know a lot of people think Seagulls are pests.
I like them!
And the Florida seagulls are different than the ones we see on Lake Superior...
so I had to keep taking their picture!:

I hope it is getting a little sunnier
everyday where you live...
if not outside...
than in your heart.


  1. Gorgeous photos. Makes me want to be at the beach.

  2. Lovely photographs. We are going to Florida in June : looking forward to it even more now.

  3. Looks like you had a nice winter vacation
    in Florida... the beach is always inviting.
    We do have a nice variety of gulls... terns
    and skimmers are my favorites.

  4. Oh my Joan, what a contrast between the winter photos and the photos from the land of sunshine...there is something comforting in all the ice and snow but I haven't digured out what it is yet...maybe being enveloped in blankets? or the comofrts of being forced to stay inside? the hibernation affect?
    regardless, your photos are lovely in ALL areas of the world!

  5. wow. i am so missing florida right now...warm...sand....ocean...

  6. these are all great and very much representative of our area. the first lizard is a little female the second is the male. we have thousands of these in our back yard for Jake to torment. we have Leonard and Lizzie who live on our fence and allow me to talk to them and take there photos once in a while. i love the baby on the beach shots and Madeira is my second favorite beach in FL with Ormond on the other coast my first. we lived for years 5 minutes from this beach and now about 40 minutes. this made me home sick for that beach.

  7. Have to rely on sunny in my heart since it's rainy and barely 50 here. I also had time in FL in February as a transition between Trinidad and Italy. Great pics!

  8. It does look inviting!

  9. Beautiful photographs from Florida.
    They make me dream of summer.
    have a great weekend.

  10. Beautiful photos! My husband, daughter and I were just in the St. Pete area in mid-February, and we crossed the same bridge on our way to Sarasota...very cool! Thanks for bringing back some recent memories for us. Have a wonderful weekend too!

  11. I grew up in Florida, so it will always be home, even though I no longer have any connections there except memories. Thanks for taking me home for at least a little while! Is it any wonder I miss it so?

  12. Now I'm the jealous one! This makes me long for Spring and Summer!

  13. I especially like the diamond studded water picture.

  14. I would like just one afternoon to sit in the sun and be worm and lazy.
    Spring is delayed here due to belwo normal temps. March is such a tease here.

  15. Ah sunshine, water and a doesn't get much better than that! :)

  16. Oh nice! You have some fine photos here. I love the little anoles and that sweetie on the beach is darling. The Madiera beach shot is wonderful and the gull in all its feathered glory is a terrific shot. Thanks for the beach vacation. Now where is that Margarita?

  17. Love the photos! That is a cool looking bridge. Florida looks wonderful!!

  18. Very nice Joan! I'm sure you enjoyed the break from your cold cold weather at home! Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

  19. Great pictures. When I was a young Air Force wife, we were stationed in Tampa for two years and, in the recent past, I've cruised out of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Port Canaveral about 25 times. I am really not a Florida fan, though,nor a beach person - in terms of lying out in the sun - though I do love being at the ocean and the great photographic opportunities and sunsets and sunrises. I get that just outside my back door here in northen CA.

  20. Awesome photos. looks soo nice and warm ! I like it when the little lizzards look like they are doing push ups lol. Have a great day !

  21. I love Florida. Dallas is sunny but we get way too chilly in the winter. I still dream of a little condo in Ft. Myers ... sigh ...


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