Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter storm and birds!

As  most of you know....

we have had a COLD winter with lots of snow this year.

Two days before we left for a three week trip to Flroida,
we had a HUGE snowstorm
that dumped TONS of snow on us.

We woke up and heard birds all over in the trees beside our deck...
I think they were telling us to hurry up and get out there and clear the snow off
the feeders.

So, today I decided to share some photos
of the bird pictures I took on that snowy day.


Here is an Evening Grosbeak sitting on a snow-laden branch, looking out towards our lake:

I bet he was saying: "I should've booked a trip to Florida TOO!":

is how much snow we got OVERNIGHT!

See the one tiny bird in the middle of the feeder snowdrifts?:

My hubby went out and swept all the snow off (bless him!)
and shortly after, the birds flew in for the morning goodies:

I LOVE this bird's expression.
He's saying: "Are you KIDDING me? All of this snow?  I am DEFINITELY looking
for a condo in a warmer climate NEXT winter!":

I am SURE he is dreaming of Florida or Arizona.....

In the meantime, a conference was being held at the feeder
regarding the local gossip:

And the doves just watched peacefully:

Remind me (one more time again) will you, of why we stay here for most of the winter?:

However the weather did not make HER
any less beautiful:

She was gorgeous:

Males and females at the feeder:

Even a Starling showed up:

And a rather "fluffy" woodpecker!:

Two starlings in the snowy trees:

It is amazing they could even FIND the suet feeder!:

It was SO nice to see those shots of bright yellow
amongst the white snow!
They have stayed with us all winter!:

I was really worried that when we left for our 3 week trip...
that they wouldn't come back.
Or that they would starve.

But my husband reminded me that we have neighbors around the lake that feed them too.

I bet they went through a TON of seed when we were gone,
because our buffet was closed....

To my relief, the morning we woke up after returning from our trip,
there they all were.....gobbling down the seed we put out as soon as we got back.

They seemed to have forgiven us.

Shhhhh...don't tell them I took pictures of some southern birds.

That will be our little secret.

Don't forget to enter the FEBRUARY 2011

This month's theme is:


Send me your photo by midnight, Feb. 28th, 2011

You don't  have to be a blogger to enter!


  1. Wow - can't believe all that snow you got! Well then again, yes I can - it's Michigan! We are expecting a storm in lower Michigan tonight. Nice to see all those evening grosbeaks - I like that 3 level tray feeder. Did your crafty hubby build that?
    Stay warm!

  2. i can't beleive you had that many birds in a snow storm, here in FL we dont have that many in sunshine. of course we don't put out feeders because our dog Jake i a hunter and we don't want to draw them to us. i love all these photos, but the 2 that stick in my mind are the skyscraper bird feeder with all those birds on it and that poor cold and oh so sweet dove in the ice. gorgeous birds and photos

  3. ha i do like the expressionon that one...and what a cool multi layer bird feeder....might need to try and make one of those...

  4. Great post, Joan... I'm sure your birds were thrilled when you all got home--even if other people feed them.. Those Grosbeaks are just so gorgeous...

    I love all of that snow --but I'll bet you all enjoyed the Florida climate this time of year. Many people from your area stay down in Florida ALL winter... Think you will ever do that???

    Can't wait to see your shore birds.


  5. I am so envious of your flock of grosbeaks! I love those guys!

  6. great shots.
    Reminds me of my late Father, he set up a bird table outside a window where he could sit for hours and watch the birds. Thanks

  7. The photos are wonderful. I think the blue jay is spectacular1

  8. Beautiful Pictures Joan, I loved the ones of the bluejays...I think between them and the cardinals they are about my favorite them!

  9. Thanks as always for sharing those beautiful bird shots. We do miss feeding our winter birds "back home", so it's nice that you share with us!

  10. Beautiful photos! Very different from the birds we have here in the Pacific NW. We do have jays and starlings. Thank you, too, for reading about my journey giving away $100 bills! Jill

  11. I'd forgotten about grosbeaks! We haven't had any at our new house. Thank you for sharing yours.
    The joys of blogging with buddies!

  12. Wow,I have enjoyed watching the birds at your feeders.It has been years since I saw an Evening grosbeak.They are a beautiful bird.

  13. Wonderful got some great shots..the Blue Jay photos are fantastic..I love their color but the ones up here are mean to the I am glad we don't have too many:)

  14. A way too short and warm winter here.
    Not that many migratory birds this year.
    You had them all.
    Nice captures.

  15. That's a lot of snow, it reminds me of Alaska and makes me thankful for an area that gets only a fraction of that amount.

    I love seeing all of your little birds since many of them I don't see in our area.

  16. That is some snow! Love the closeups of the little bird, just awesome.

  17. Great close-ups! Our feeder is getting hit pretty hard these days as well. Even during yesterday's snowstorm.

  18. Awesome photos.
    We have just been dumped on with snow again after it had teassed us with mild weather and sunshine melting everything.The winds are high and bitterly cold, the winds are so high it knocked our power out for hours. Our feeders are getting ravished by all the birds poor little things fighting the winds ! Have a good day !

  19. Beautiful pics of all the birds!! I always worry about the birds when the snow is deep. I have to throw mine out the window and when the snow gets deep I throw it right next to the building. After this past few days with all that wind, the snow was deep there also but they managed to get at the nuts and seeds okay. I always forget that there other neighbors feeding them also. I don't think they get much there though because they sure do eat a lot here..Ha! Think Spring!

  20. Loved "All" the bird photos...I need one of those great 3 story feeders!


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