Friday, February 18, 2011

Bond Falls: The Finale!

This the last of my Bond Falls in the Winter series of photographs.

Oh, I have MORE...
but you have  been patient enough!!

For those of you that haven't suffered through the entire series
and are masochistic enough to want to go back and see the other parts of them...
just keep scolling down, down, down through
my blogposts and if you get to the bottom of the page,
hit "OLDER" and you may get even MORE!

Here is another black and white of
that fabulous frozen foam that was gathered at one part of the river!
It looked like meringue!:

If you study the ice formations, they really are very individual
and quite spectacular:

This was part of what we needed to get PAST
to take some of my pictures.
What medication was I
that day, anyway???:
You can see why I couldn't go any further past this point...
there were only ICE CLIFFS without even any ICE STAIRS to help me!!
I'm NUTS, but I'm not suicidal!!

Some hikers were going to try and cross the river on this snow and ice covered logs.
Thank goodness they changed their minds~!:

Still sighing over the views we saw!:

I would have LOVED to have been able to hike over to the little viewing deck
seen at the top of this photo...
but that would've involved climbing down and back up ice cliffs to do it:

What the U.P. of Michigan must look like to the satellites in the winter
(like frozen Antartica continents!):

Frozen river hat!:

Thank you SO much for going on this journey with me.

I loved being able to share these photos with you all. 


  1. Oh how I have loved all the photos...I must tell you the third one down; I'll give you a minute to get to there? Okay, that looks like PepeLePew's head...I laughed at the resemblance!
    I'm glad you stopped before going onto the steps and yes, they all have personalities of their own...the second formation looks like it has swirls in it...lovely!
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. wow that first pic is so cool! love it in b&w too!

  3. I enjoyed the vist to the falls. the first photo looks just like icing on a cake, and the snow covered steps i realy, really like, and yes, you might have been a little nuts to go up and down those steps

  4. An absolutely beautiful series of photos....thanks for letting us tag along!

  5. Hi Joan, Thanks for ALL of your Bond Falls posts.. I loved them ALL... There's just nothing better than seeing a waterfall during the icy and snowy winter. You got some great views... I love seeing all of the different ice formations --and seeing the snow and ice clinging to everything... Awesome!!!!

    Have a great weekend.

  6. The first photo and the similiar one just amazed me! They are wonderful...great texture. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful photos with us. I enjoyed the journey with you.

  7. The falls are all so beautiful. We are having ice jams on the Des Moines and Raccoon River so we will see flooding south of us for awhile. We warmed up a lot more than you did. Great photos as usual.

  8. The ice/snow in the second photo looks like a caterpillar! The photos make me shiver...they certainly capture the coldness!

  9. Thanks for the winter views of the falls. We live about an hour away but don't plan to go until spring and then again in the 'fall' aka autumn. lol
    'hugs from afar'

  10. Thank your for sharing your photos. They were each more beautiful than the previous one! Bond falls is on my list of places to visit. I bet its a gorgeous hike in the summer too!

  11. Thanks so much for this series Joan! What an amazing place. I don't want to go there during winter, but I love seeing it!

  12. Gorgeous pictures. These images look even more dramatic in black and white.Winter is beautiful,your pictures have just proved that.

  13. Ice is like clouds with all the formations it can take on. Love the alligater teeth!

  14. This was many beautiful pictures of winterlandscapes.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Wish you a nice weekend.

  15. Wonderful stuff! Waterfalls are the one extra thing I wish I had near me. Your rivers and waterfalls always help ease my suffering of that though.

  16. T thank YOU for those photos !
    It was a nice journey....

  17. The icy stairs look dangerous enough but crossing those ice covered logs would be insane. I love the ice hat and the other formations, they are all amazing.


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