Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Finally!! We have a WINNER for the January's FREE PHOTO Contest: Theme: Bridges

So sorry folks for being so slow in first showing you the entries 
for the January's 2011 FREE PHOTO CONTEST
with the BRIDGES theme....

and now for being so slow in
announcing the WINNER!!!
I just heard from the final judge 


Drum roll.....PLEASE!!!!!

The January 2011 winner IS:

Congratulations BILSOT!! His blog is called: "Amateur Photographer".
It is in Greek, but don't let that scare you...go to the bottom of his blogposts and there is a little box
to translate his posts into English and other languages!

A gorgeous photo!

Here is what he said about the photo:

The name of that bridge is (in GREEK) "To gephyri tis Plakas" That is " The Bridge at Plaka place ".
It was built in 1863 and the location is at the mountains of Tzoumerka , about 800 m. over the sea level.
The name of the river under it is Araxthos. It is a very nice place all over the seasons of the year.

I'd say it sure is a beautiful place and he captured it so well!!

Honorable mention also goes to:
--Sara from Greyt Days
--Eva from Wresting with Retirement
--Muffy from Muffy's Marks
--Connie from Far Side of Fifty Photos

Again, the judges had a VERY hard time deciding on a winning photo. I often get remarks that say that everyone of them is gorgeous and that they changed their minds several times after looking at them over and over....

So every ONE of you should be very proud....the submissions/entries just keep getting better and better and more and more creative.

I am so proud to host this wonderful contest.

Keep submitting every month...we all enjoy what you send in, sooo much!!
Thank you to my wonderful judges!!
Which reminds me....
PLEASE remember to send in FEBRUARY 2011's entry
for the theme of:


Send me your photo no later than midnight on Feb. 28,2011
following THESE RULES!!!!
You don't have to be a blogger to enter!


  1. ooo great shot, worthy winner....and look forward to old barns...they can be so beautiful...

  2. Lovely, well deserved...
    I also loved that snippet, it makes the photo more beautiful!!
    Have a nice day:)

  3. Beautiful shot, I would have voted for it myself. Congratulations!

  4. i popped over and congratulated on this win, he is certainly not an amateur at all. stunning photos and this one is to. i like that translate gadget

  5. Congratulations to him. That certainly is a beautiful picture!

  6. It really is a fine photograph and a most sensually shaped bridge. That is sculpture not civil engineering.

  7. Thank you for your visit and for following my blog. This gave me a chance to visit you and see your beautiful blog and photographs. From now on i am going to be one of your most dedicated admirers.
    I am also glad my friend Bilsot won this months' photo contest with his photograph of the bridge of Plaka. I have also seen and photographed that same bridge but his photograph was really worth winning.
    Have a great day.

  8. That bridge is simply gorgeous...and that little bit of fog makes it look mysterious!Thank you for hosting and will you show all the entrants of the bridges?

  9. Hello, I am a new drop-in visitor; I read your comment on Costas' Nature Digital blog. I really enjoy reading blog posts and seeing photos done by so many talented folks. Your monthly contests look like great fun and I just may participate in the old barns one! Please do feel free to drop in and visit our blog and comment if you would like - we appreciate and read every one and usually comment back!

  10. Gorgeous one and a great choice, Joan... I liked alot of that month's photos --so I'm sure the judges had a hard time...


  11. I must THANK all of you,
    and also Joan and the Judges.
    Truly I say to you I AM AN AMATEUR
    but I like photographing very much!
    I invite everybody to my blog
    and I'm waiting for your comments
    on my future work.
    THANK you all.

    from Glyfada, Greece.

  12. Tis lovely! Too cold to photograph bridges around here! I'll save that for a summer day!

  13. A gorgeous photo. A well-deserved win for Bilsot.

  14. Just to echo everyone else, such a worthy winner - a truly remarkable shot! Loved it.
    Looking forward to the next contest - won't be entering the Barns one, as I have no ideas/places to shoot!

  15. Congrats to bilsot, it is a wonderful photograph! :)

  16. I LOVE bridges! And this picture is absolutely wonderful! I once did a big search for fancy bridges back when I started my blog, but I'm just too far into the city to find any really creative ones.

  17. Congratulations to bilsot, that is a magnificent bridge. I'm glad he shared the location and some information, I had wondered about that one.

  18. I love the angle on this photo which makes the bridge so amazing- great choice!

  19. Perfect choice!! Can't wait on the old barns as this theme is dear to my heart.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: