Sunday, November 7, 2010

More This and that from the Woods...

Before full blown autumn took place in the U.P.
I had taken some photos
that I haven't posted yet.

Before we get snow (which by the way, by the time this posts, I am sure we will get!)
I wanted to show you them today.

This was early morning on our Lake Michigamme
which my living room and dining room

This is the seeding flowers
of invasive
Japense knotweed:

Some morning dew drops:

Unknown berries (which I am sure are inedible!):

A traincar on an abandoned train track this autumn:

Tree mushrooms. These remind me of hanging bells!:

Waves splashing over Lake Superior beach rocks:

Driving straight into autumn:

Stay tuned,
I  have more to come!


  1. love the old train car...something about rust...also the tree mushrooms as they are at an intersting angle...

  2. Very wonderful shots!! I especially liked the traincars and the very last one.

  3. The 'Driving Staight into Autumn' photo was perfect with the gravel road that appears to go deeper and deeper into Autumn!
    I'm surprised to see railway cars abandoned there in the countryside, seems unsafe...wondering why they weren't salvaged or moved.

  4. I have 3 favorites in this batch; the first one, the last one and the one with the berries! All amazing!

  5. What a beautiful collection! The sunrise and fall color pix are stunning, and I especially love the abandoned train car.

  6. The sky is so marvelous. I don't think I have see so many diverse colors at one time. Your fall scenes are wonderful.

  7. From beginning to end, and especially the beginning and the end, totally glorious!

  8. WOW!
    Those are all so beautiful Joan!
    The last one of course, fills me with wonder...

  9. I really like the mushroom pic...very interesting. But my favorite one is driving into Autumn. Simnply beautiful!

  10. The first and last photos are stunning! The ones in between aren't too shabby either. ; )

    Great job!

  11. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing these photos.

  12. Your Autumn colors have been wonderful, Joan. I love the last one the best--but that first one is marvelous also....


  13. Joan, I've really been enjoying your autumn photos - just breathtaking!!

  14. The pink leaves and red berries is just awesome Joan and... the berries do look edible but not sure I' want to be the first to try them.

  15. I absolutely love the photo of the abandoned train. There is something so soulful about it.

  16. Love the train car and those hanging mushrooms..interesting shots ! :)

  17. I had to go back and take a second look at that gorgeous sunrise, I would love to have that view out my window. Your driving into autumn is beautiful.

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