Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coast Guard Station, Presque Isle and Marquette, Michigan Photos

I have always
will always
totally in love with
Lake Superior.

I am lucky enough to live within 45 minutes of it in one direction
35 minutes in another direction.

I have lived in Marquette, Michigan
several times in my life, off and on.
(Click on THIS LINK and the link above to see where it is and here to learn more about it).

Now, I live near there so I can visit whenever the longing for the Great Lakes
gets to me...
which usually is every month or so.

So, today, I thought I would show you some pictures
I took earlier this fall, just as the leaves were beginning to change
in Marquette.

Everyone that visits Marquette quickly becomes aware of it's Presque Isle
which is a little peninsula perserved for the public
that juts out into the lake
and is a beautiful place to drive around and hike in.
This is the lighthouse there and the breakwater:

The Marina:

And probably the most photographed building in Marquette, the Coast Guard Station:

And, you can see WHY, right?

Big ore boats come in to pick up iron ore at the ore docks.
This photo is of some oredocks that
no longer are used...
the town is trying to figure out what to do with them.
One entrepeuner wanted to put a restaurant
on the top of them, but the city denied them...
so ideas are still being thought of for this wondrous structure:

Another view of the lighthouse, by the croppings of rock:

Loved this little seagull with one leg:

There are lots of spots like this all along Presque Isle's Lake Superior with rocky cliffs:

If you ever get the chance to come and vacation
anywhere in the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan,
please make an effort to do so....
it is full of nature and beauty and wonderful, sincere, honest folks who love tourists...
and make Marquette one of your prime spots to visit!!

Oh, and if you DO come here? Please let me know!
We will meet and have coffee overlooking some of these wonderful sights!
Remember to enter the FREE PHOTO CONTEST!!
November's theme is:

Send me your photo following THESE RULES
before midnight on Nov. 30, 2010


  1. Wonderful photos ! Have a great day !

  2. Love your photos....they are so beautiful....I appreciate that you post them because they mean so much to my Grama who has had some severe medical problems and can longer go out and enjoy...we check your blog every morning to see if there are any new pictures up....

    I am actually coming up to Baraga State Park next June, and my family and I are going to visit Copper Harbor and hopefully Lake of the Clouds....it would be great to meet one of my "online friends"....

  3. I really wanted to get to the UP this summer but it just didn't happen..next summer for sure and I will definitely let you know so we can meet!!

  4. You sell your neck of the woods very convincingly!

  5. nice. the marina pics are really cool. used to sail so seeing the boats all moored pulls at that in me...and the seagull is cute as well...smiles.

  6. Beautiful scenery, how lucky are you. A restaurant overlooking the lake sounded like a great idea, wonder why the authorities turned it down?

  7. Your photos are beautiful. They help me see another land across the water. What gorgeous scenery.

  8. Oh you do Lake Superior and Michigan well my dear friend, these are beautiful......:-) Hugs

  9. I lived in Chicago for almost 30 years and I never went to the U.P. of Michigan. In fact, the farthest north I ever got was Barabou, WI!

    It's a real shame, the area looks so beautiful!

  10. The U.P. is truly a beautiful area. Went to Jazz Camp (yes!) up at MTU for two weeks at a time in high school and spent a lot of time wandering around...


  11. Hi Joan, Wish I could visit --and we could have coffee together!!!! SO gorgeous... Love the lighthouse.. And that cute little gull standing on one leg---how pretty. Thanks for sharing such beauty!

  12. The closest I've been to the Great Lakes was a stop over at Chicago airport. Travel there is on my list.

  13. I can see why the Coast Guard station is the most photographed sight in the area, it is so majestic perched on the hill. The little seagull looks so sweet.

    I would love to visit and explore that area someday.

  14. Gorgeous photos, especially love the colorful Coast Guard Station!

  15. It's amazing to me that lakes can be so big, you can't see the other shore.

    I've never driven further west than Pittsburgh, PA. I really need to try to see more of our country!

  16. How very sweet of you to comment on our special day yesterday.Thank you. In this day and age we feel extremely fortunate to have 3 healthy, productive kids and a solid marriage.
    And now I am going to spend some time viewing your lovely photos, I have a lot of catching up to do !
    Have a great day

  17. I visited there when I was a kid. Lucky you.

  18. Me and my family were up there in September. I have some of those same views taken with my camera! Love Marquette.
    BTW......Moo cards.....Moo.com

  19. Missed that cup of coffee with you! Darn... we spent quite a bit of time in the UP this summer in our motorhome ~ including Copper Harbor, Marquette and Sault Ste. Marie. We drove around the park area! Lake Superior was very riled up with a wind storm (September) while we were there and some kids were even surfing on the west side of the park that day! We were caught in the Labor Day storm at Copper Harbor, but it was a great adventure for us anyway... we're used to wind being from Kansas!! This was our 2nd trip to that area of Michigan because we enjoy it so much. I've looked at all your posts about Lake Superior; enjoyed them all!!!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: