Thursday, November 11, 2010

Autumn Beauty and Canada Jays!

Today, we will revist Autumn
as it was a few weeks ago, before all the leaves fell off the trees here!

One of the many, many roads I travel down to find photos:

I was so excited to find a Canada Jay.
They are shy birds.
And whenever I try to creep up to take their photo,
they fly away.
The little devils!:

SEE what I MEAN?
I mean, did he have eyes in the BACK of his head, or what??
(Both of them flew!)

No matter!
I think their backs are pretty too!:

this Canada Jay
giving me the old heave-ho


I loved this steep hill road
full of color!:

I had my husband stop the car
when I saw this interesting tree.

I do that.

A. Lot.

But just LOOK at that gnarly bark
and the curly end of it's trunk...
It begged for a photo, don't you think?:

So now, it is famous.

It can thank me later.

I'm generous like that. is I (or should I say ME?)
that thanked the tree.
And those sassy Canada Jays.
And those autumn leaves and roads.

Their beauty is unmatched.


  1. I love all of the colours! Jays never seem to stay in one place too long.

  2. What beautiful birds. Your photos always make me feel as if I know your part of the world - they give me a delightful familiarity. I am sure if I ever actually visited I would say "I'm sure I've been here before".

  3. Beautiful photos ! The Blue jays here in our neck of the woods Ontario Canada are very fisty and friendly, could be because we feed them their favorite food, hole peanuts. I have been able to get lots of photos of them at the food dish ! sneaky, maybe, but it feeds them when food is scaris and lets me get photos ! Have a good day !

  4. Yes, those jays are beautiful! And you are right about that gesture, I think! :-)

  5. nice. great pics of the jays...the wings spread one esp...and the old tree...very nice...

  6. You do have an eye and a way with the camera! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Ha ha! Great post and gorgeous pics!

  8. Lovely shots as always. I'm surprised to see the gray jays (AKA Whisky Jacks) already! The only time we ever had them was in the winter and if I had suet out.

  9. Gorgeous photos Joan, I love that first photo of the road.

    The Canada Jays are, I believe, the same bird we called Gray Jays in Alaska. Cheeky little devils they were, especially at campsites.

    That old tree is really interesting, I would have had to pull over too.

  10. Hi Joan, Beautiful Autumn pictures... Love all of the colors... I hate to see it end!!!!!

    The pictures of the jays are gorgeous. Our Bluejays have left us --but they will be back in the Spring/Summer.


  11. Can birds flip you the bird? : P

    Speaking of things that fly away...every time the cat sees me, it thinks I'm coming after it and runs before I'm barely out the door.

    I like to think it's the w/c and not actually me.

  12. Unbelievably beautiful autumn pictures! A real treat. Thank you!


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