Saturday, September 18, 2010


If you are wondering
if I am smitten with birds
on my blog lately,

Autumn here is a time for migration to begin
all over again,
this time with the birds heading south
the U.P. of Michigan.

One of my favorite ducks to capture with my lens
is a Merganser.

There are two types of Mergansers,
and a
(Please click on their names above which will link you to a wonderful
website called All About Birds and will tell you about these two species!)

We saw a group of
Common Mergansers
on the lake,
and I was lucky enough
to get a few
far off shots
of them.


Here is one preening itself:
(You're so vain, I bet you think this blog is about you, about you...)

That is the biggest group of Mergansers I have been able to see in one bunch for a photo!
(Color me HAPPY!):

A lovely couple:

Maybe they are the most conceited birds, EVER!
They all seem concerned about their appearance for
the camera!:

Who could blame them?
They ARE rather handsome!

One of the things I love the MOST about them
is that they have this feathery, bushy, rusty "mane" behind their really shows up
in the first bird on the right in this photo:
(I just want to take out my pick or comb and run it through it there...I know. I KNOW...
I am STRANGE. Try to forget I even said that.)

Flapping for attention:

Again with the preening!!:
(no, don't tell me it's bugs. I refuse to listen!)

Not on THESE beauties!!:
(That last one was just camera shy...he wasn't eating bugs on his back...REALLY!!)
Maybe I just might want to WASH that comb
after combing those back-of-the-head feathers....


  1. those golden heads are gorgeous...i fall in love with all the color this time of year the trees and in the animals..and certainly in the birds..

  2. Thanks for the link. Great site. I really like the photos of the Mergansers. This is something new for me. I had hubby look at these. Wonderful photos and I really like that you caught one standing tall and flapping wings.

  3. We have the hooded variety around here, too. We might also have the common ones, but they might not have been noticed with all the other kinds around here. Great shots!

  4. Wow! A group of ten! Great shots!

  5. I have not seen any wild ducks at my place.

  6. They are GORGEOUS!!! We don't have them around here!

  7. I use to own a cabin on Lake Pokegama, Grand Rapids, Minn. and these guys were always so entertaining. I am not sure that this is the same type.

  8. Beautiful collection, Joan.... The Common Mergansers are beautiful.... I can only imagine how excited you were to see them. I would be too... Thanks so much for sharing..


  9. Ha! I like your words as you go along each picture. I've never seen these kind of ducks. They are pretty.

  10. Never seen these anywhere in India... The one flapping is certainly looking for attention!!

  11. I get excited when I see mergansers too! It's not that often.

  12. I love birds too! These are very colorful. I have never heard of these kinds of birds before. I don't see them where I live.

  13. Beautiful Joan...
    I'm thinking these must not be West Coast birds...

  14. I love the group shot, give yourself and extra pat on the back for that one. I don't see a lot of mergansers here except in the aviary but once in awhile one or two will appear. They are beauties.


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