Thursday, September 16, 2010

What the Heck is a Bittern???

If you didn't read my last blogpost
on the Sandhill Crane Migration,
please drop down to the bottom
of this one,
and click on "older posts" on the right hand corner
and read that first.

We went on a trip out to the Sturgeon River Sloughs
and watched over a hundred Sandhill Cranes migrate in...
it was wonderous!

While waiting for the Sandhill Cranes to fly in,
a guide spotted a bird.

He said it was rare in our area
and wanted us to see it.

It was WAY across the field in a pond, so I didn't get
great photos of it.

But I wanted you to see one,
in case you didn't ever see one before.

A Bittern!

A Bittern is a heron-like bird.
Read about it HERE.
(You can even click on the sound this bird makes on the link, which is very unusual.)

So, now that you saw a good photo of one
at the All About Birds site (by clicking on the link),
here is my

There brown, tan and white stripes makes them blend in with
their environment so they are not easy to spot...especially across a pond
on a cloudy day!:

The sun came out a few times, and when it did,
it's feathers looked redder and it was easier to spot:

I am so happy to be able to share
it with you....
my blogger friends...
because like the theme
for the Enquirer goes:
I knew:
"inquiring minds want to know!!


  1. smiles. nice bitern and now i feel slightly more educated as i did not know what one was...

  2. I've heard of a Bittern before--but have never seen one. Glad you got to see it. Thanks for the education, Joan..

  3. American Bitterns winter in my area but I have yet to see one.
    I clicked on the photos to get a closer look. What a cool sighting!

  4. did well to spot that bittern. He does blend into the surroundings. I had to really look hard in some cases to even see him!

  5. Interesting - I had never heard of a bittern.

  6. I did know waht a bittern is, but have never seen one in the wild. Cool!

  7. Beautiful pictures:)
    Have a nice day, and thank for nice comment in my blog:)


  8. I've done a lot of bird watching but I'm not sure I've ever seen a Bittern. Good for you Joan! Too bad he wouldn't get a little closer. Darned birds can be so elusive ; )

  9. Great spot, don't play down your photography skills you've done really well. If the sun hadn't came out then I doubt if I would have spotted it at all.

  10. He is very lovely.

    It is very large Nature...


  11. You learn something new every once in a while. I never have heard of that name before.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: