Monday, September 20, 2010

Turtles and Tufts!

You never know WHAT you will find
when you go on
a photo shoot
out in the woods.

One day, we were surprised to
still see turtles.

We ordinarily see quite a few
in the springtime,
but when autumn rolls around,
we don't usually see many.

We rolled up to a beaver pond in our truck
and saw a turtle way out in the pond
on the very edge of a log.

I hopped out of the truck, expecting the turtle
to jump in the water right away, and not give me the opportunity for a shot at it.

Imagine my surprise, when not only did he STAY on the log,
but began to do some funny antics for me:
(Tell me that he is not "balancing" on that log and sticking his leg out?)
I began to laugh, at which point, he jumped in the water.
Embarrassed no doubt. haa

We found another turtle on a log sunning himself further down the road
in another pond.
Must have been a suntanning kind of day!:

Here is a plant beside the pond that had metamorphized into a seed tuft. I loved it!:

Three turtles on a log! (Gee that sounds like the name for a child's book, doesn't it?):

We saw a few more, but they immediately jumped into the water, the minute I got out of the truck.
(They must have heard from the first turtle and didn't want to embarrass themselves either!)

This time of year, one is usually disappointed
about the lack of wildflowers
(or hybrid flowers for that matter) to photograph.

Up this far north, things are dying fast due to frost and the cold night temperatures.

However, if you take the time to look close, you find seed pods that are very interesting..
or in my case,
little TUFTS in plants that you wonder what the heck they are!

So, upon gazing on these, if anyone out there knows what kind of plant or bush
this was before it went to "tufts", please share your knowledge with us in the comment section.

But, I was amazed at the artistry in these seed tufts...I found them full of texture
and wonderful to photograph due to the movement in them!!

A bush of little dustmops!!

I just loved their looks-like-I-just-woke-up-with-tousled-hair look!:

I wanted to run my fingers through their hair:

And, I loved the little seed pod centers inside all that "hair":

you know ME.
I had to play with the image in black and white too.
Loved how it looks that way!
Very dramatic!:

The shaggy bush, from afar,
reminded me of something you'd see in a
Japenese garden:
(and the U.P. is pretty FAR AWAY from Japan, people!!)

Maybe next time you go into the woods
and are disappointed not to find beautiful flowers
or exotic animals....

look closer.

Because nature has beauty
everywhere, at all times.....

You just have to
let it show you....

look closer...............................................................


  1. I love that you captured the little turtles Joan, and that seed tuft thingie you found is amazing. In the B&W version, you can really see the details.

    I've seen this before but, of course, I have no idea of its name!

  2. Some great photos there - I especially like the turtle photos.

  3. I love that first turtle photo! Too cute!

  4. Turtles practicing balancing acts. And tufts that need combing. Really interesting photos.

  5. Great pictures. I love them:)

    Have a nice week.


  6. Hi Joan, You and my blog friend Sandra had almost the same post this morning. She's in FL --and she posted seed pods and explained about them... Very interesting --and we ALL do need to look closer at things... Your tufts --or tassels as I call them --are gorgeous... My favorite is the next to the last picture showing the entire tree... Awesome!!!!!

    Cute pictures of the turtles also...

  7. the turtle doing tricks was pretty cool.
    The seed heads remind me of clematis. Could it be some kind of local native variety?

  8. that bush looks like it needs a haircut...smiles. so cute with teh turtles...esp the balancing

  9. You are so right. Those turtles are fascinating.

  10. Very nice photos of all the turtles! That one with his leg out is funny. He must have been stretching. Ha! Ha! And those little hairy things are awesome looking. Nature sure is amazing!

  11. You have turtles everywhere, I am starting to see less of them here these days. I love the first one, he seems to be stretching and perhaps preparing to dance!

  12. That first orangy tuft looks like a sea creature!

  13. Love you blog ! We seem to have alot in common, I am retired as well, and blog about our life in the country. My hubby and I enjoy photography as well and have a blog for that to. Love your photos and post. Have a great day !

  14. I think you may have interrupted the turtles synchnorised diving & swimming practice, sublime photos thanks.

  15. Delightful turtles, especially the balancing one. I love the unusual plants with tufts; beautiful images!

  16. great turtle shots and you're right we need to look at everything more closely. I agree the pods look like a Clematis.

  17. There is much beauty even in the small things. And yes, that turtle is sticking out his leg! So adorable!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: