Thursday, June 10, 2010

This and That from the U.P. in Spring.....

Today, I am posting some more U.P. Spring pictures.

Because we spent the last two weeks of April
the first week of May in Florida,
by the time we got back to the U.P.
we had missed a lot of the wildflowers.
It just happened to be a "warmer than usual" spring
in the U.P. this year, which is rare.

But, we did find some wildflowers out in the deep woods:
These are Marsh Marigolds, otherwise known as "cowslips".

These are called: "Spring Beauties":

And, I was afraid I would have missed some of my garden spring flowers, but we did return in time to still catch about a week left of my tulips and other spring plants.

I collect the old watering cans.
The rustier, the better:
I love the character of the old watering cans.
Just think of the nuturing water they supplied the many, many plants over the years...

A tiny yellow "trout lily". I love the delicate shape of their flowers:

Some of my garden tulips:

I have over 500 in my yard now:

This was found deep in the woods...some kind of violet:

Another Trout Lily. They are very tiny, this is a macro of one:

I was so happy
that I hadn't missed all of the U.P. spring wildflowers
or my garden tulips
when we were away.
And's  hard to believe they are all gone
and we are getting full-swing into summer!
I say....
Bring it on!!!


  1. oh i love the pic of the trout looks like a street light...

  2. Did you know Spring Beauties have a "tiny potato" on their roots, that some people eat! I did a post on them back in April or May, anyway I cooked and tasted a like a nutty potato, but I won't be doing it again! :)

  3. Once again, brilliant photos. That last one in particular is pleasing in every way. Fine, fine work.

  4. I loved the old watering can and your tulips are so pretty. Enjoyed looking at your slide in your header, too. Great photos.

  5. Brian: thanks...or a beach umbrella! ha

    Wanda: no, I didn't know that! I would skip it as I don't like nuts. ha

    Vaggelis: Thanks so much! I never did figure out how to use the translator for your site, but that's ok...I love your photos even without understanding your narratives. :0}

    Alan: thanks so much, you made my day!

    SouthernLady: thanks! I try to add more photos to the Slide now and then too..I haven't had much time lately to change them a bit but will do so soon.

  6. I think that the lack of transfirmation from winter to spring down here is what I miss. I don't miss the winter snow and cold but the season change is not as dramatic and losses something.

  7. Enjoyed all of these, particularly the "Spring Beauties" and the rusty watering can. Have a great day. :)

  8. 500 Tulips? Wow---we had alot of Tulips but probably no more than 200... I love Tulips so much. Ours have been gone for a long time now. NOW--we have lots of Lilies and Daylilies blooming--along with our Roses.

    Great photos.

  9. I know how happy you are.

    Because I was as happy before.

  10. Wow! 500 tulips. That sounds like a lot of work.

  11. Carol: yes, I love the season changes here.

    Diane: Thanks! You too!

    Betsy: I love lilies, daylilies and roses so your yard would be right up my alley! ha

    Rainfield: I love the changing seasons here and what they bring to us.

    Eva: It only is work when you first put them in, after that they are not much work...just dead head the tulip stem after the blooms fall off and then cut the leaves when they turn yellow. My husband reminded me that we have close to 700, not 500. LOL

  12. I love those early spring wild flowers! Two years ago we were in Holland during tulip time, and I was worried that we would miss ours here at home. But no problem. That was another cold spring and we had plenty of bloom time after we returned.
    BTW, my husband collects old watering cans too, and old brass hose nozzles.

  13. Lovely flowers. I love all the vibrant colours. It's amazing how much flowers cheer me up.

  14. It's not only the photographs on your site that I like. It's also the little narratives. It's like a nature tour. Thanks!

  15. Linda: How funny..we have one huge brass old fireman hose handle too! I bet Holland was breathtaking!

    Loree: I feel the same way about flowers.

    Pat: Awww, nice thing to say, Pat! Love that!

  16. I can't believe how many tulips you have. They are so pretty. Your pics are great. Ought to enter this neat contest I know about by this lady in the UP!!!!

  17. Very nice colorful shots! You have a lot of tulips! I like the watering can too - very nice image of the nozzle!

  18. Those of definitely Spring Beauties-- all of them.
    Beautiful photos.

  19. Beautiful photos! I love tulips! I really got into the springmood again, seeing your photos :)

  20. Ann: hhaaaa Funny, Ann!!

    Mike: Thanks. those old cans have so much character.

    Joanna: Aww, thanks, honey!

    Biana: yes, spring is usually pretty short and summer overtakes having the tulip pictures does bring it back for us. :0}

    Eleanor: You are new to my blog! Welcome!!!

  21. What pretty flowers you see in Spring there. It seems like many of them must be wildflowers there. I love old watering cans too, and am always on the lookout for one.

  22. You seem like the kind of person who is always ready for whatever comes your way. One great post I read was you on the back of the snowmobile one night. It was hilarious. So whatever summer has in store for you, I know you will make it fun.

  23. You did such a wonderful job on these flower photos! Are you using your new macro lens? I'm so bad, I use the 300 mm on them sometimes.

    When we go back up to the cabin, Greg is going to look at the brand of paint we used on our metal door (it was specifically for painting on steel/metal doors.) It brushed on quite nicely!

    Hope your having a fab weekend! WE didn't come up to the cabin cuz we heard it was going to rain all 3 days, so hopefully next weekend we'll make it up there!

  24. 500 tulips? SO cool. Lovely photos as usual!

  25. Catherine: yes, we have lots of wildflowers that come and go here in the spring.

    Technobabe: yes, I remember the snowmobile incident very well! ha

    Shelley: Nope, that was my 300mm lens, but I have ordered my macro lens and it is on its way! It should be here by next week. Can't wait! Thanks for checking on the paint, I will be interested to know!
    Yes it rained off and on for the last 2 days..hopefully by next week things will get clearer..they are saying in the 70's for Monday on here, so that is good...hope it stays that way for your cabin trip the following weekend!

    Bossy: I love me some tulips. ha

  26. I love the Trout Lily, I don't remember ever seeing that before. 500 tulips? My goodness that's a lot of tulips, it must be beautiful when they bloom.

    BTW, EleanoreBla is a spammer. The line of dots at the end is her/his trademark.

  27. SquirrelQueen: It is really pretty when they bloom, thanks!I will delete comments by EleanorBia then, thanks!

  28. Beautiful flowers. I particularly like all of them that have small stripes of color coming out from the center.

  29. Ratty: Thanks so much! I love that you are liking and taking pictures of some of the wildflowers in your area as well as your animals and bugs/dragonflies!!

  30. Your macros are just amazing!

  31. Love the tulips Joan, actually every picture is wonderful. You have just got better with each post......:-) Hugs

  32. Have you ever visited Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island in British Columbia? It is one of the most spectacular gardens I've seen anywhere in the world, no matter what time of year you visit. I especially like the tulips in the spring and the roses in June...the dahlias are incredible as well. I used to go up several times a year...but, since my job loss 15 months ago and my income drop of $90,000 a year, even that travel is curtailed.


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