Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We have a MAY Photo Contest Winner!!!!

This one was tough, folks....

Every submission
a thanks for such talent!

We had to use a fourth judge this time
because it was so close.

And what is funny
is that the person who won
almost gave up.....
(s)he commented
that (s)he hadn't even gotten
"special mention"  yet despite entering several times...
and that maybe (s)he should stop entering the contests!

Just goes to show you all...
never give up!!

Keep you never know what might fancy 
certain judges' eyes....!

And I pick different judges 
for every contest.

Some do photography, some do not!

Anyway, I have kept you waiting long enough.......

(drum roll, please..........)

May's WINNER for the photo contest with the theme of:




What a great job she did!!
I loved the colors and mountains in this one!

Here is her lovely photo:

Amazing photo, isn't it?
The judges remarked:
"The colors in this landscape were wonderful"
"I like the depth of the landscape"
I couldn't agree more!
(DJan, your Winning widget to display on your blog forever
will be on it's way to you soon......)

The judging was difficult for are "Special Mentions" for the contender of first place:

Grannyann for her uniqueness on the theme.

Every single judge said it was nearly impossible to pick first place OR narrow down the Special Mentions due to them being so good!

If you forgot what they looked like, go to THIS LINK.
Thanks to everyone of you that all did a wonderful job!

Now, don't forget to send me your JUNE entry
by midnight June 30, 2010
following THESE RULES.

is the theme.
You don't have to be a Blogger to enter!


  1. Hey, once I saw that photo, I knew it was the winner. The color and depth is amazing.

  2. Good job! I loved that one, too.

  3. DJann always has beautiful views on her blog...glad she won!

  4. Hmmmmmm... Interesting choices...

    Can't wait to see FLOWERS this next month.

  5. the blue mountains in the background....

  6. I got a Special Mention! Woo Hoo! : )
    Now I have to look for a flower pic!

  7. Congrats to was a beautiful photo!
    Now onto the flowers!! :)

  8. L.D.: they were all so were mentioned as runner up in at least one of the judge's picks!

    Eva: I truly loved them all.

    Wanda: yes, she does..all those hikes up in the mountains have given us wonderful pictures..and moss on those trees is gorgeous.

    Betsy: You don't agree? I expect YOU to enter one of your gorgeous flower pictures this time,Betsy..those roses could all be get going! you can enter any of the ones you already posted on your blog, so pick one and send it to me, OKAY?

    Brian: I loved the mountain pictures too..JJ's came in very close by a few of the judges too, and Mistaya's mountains was mentioned as an almost winner too.

    JJ: you were number one by one of the judges, but since we need a majority, you missed winning...but it was special mentioned by another judge or two, too.yes, send in your flower picture for sure!

    FarSide: Yes, I cannot WAIT to see your flower will be fabulous I am sure!

  9. DJan is a blogging buddy of mine. she sent me to this beautiful site.

  10. Congratulations to the winner. The photo is very beautiful. And also congratulations to all the ones who got a special mention. Good job everyone!

  11. Linda: My thanks to DJan and welcome..I LOVE having new people here and am so grateful!

    Ratty: As far as I am concerned each one of you deserves special mention..I loved your photo of your favorite overlook spot!!! It is good enough to frame and hang!! Keep sending in photos Ratty, I have loved all of yours!

  12. Pat: Yes, it is ...I liked them all this time..I really did! There are aspects of every single one that I adored.

  13. DJan's photo's are always beautiful, love her blog...:-)Hugs

  14. Bernie: yes, they are...I was tickled to see her chosen, especially in light of the fact that she was about to give up on entering her photos. ha

  15. Linda; I am SO glad you stopped by from DJan's site...welcome to my blog! I shall stop by to take a peek at your blog today too! Thanks!

  16. DJan is an amazing blogger and she has enough energy for ten of us. I am so happy her photo won first place.

  17. TechnoBabe: Yes, she is! I am glad she got some recognition for her work.

  18. Congratulations to DJan, her photo is beautiful. She always makes me want to get back to that side of the state. Congrats to everyone!

    I am so far behind, my internet connection has been spotty all week plus blogger has been so slow in taking comments. Maybe both are fixed!!!

  19. SquirrelQueen: Yes, her photo is wonderful. I know about how you feel about is still not letting me load pictures directly--I have to load them to another URL and then load them from there.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: