Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Local Police Reports!

 Yes!  Time again for MORE LOCAL POLICE REPORTS, along with MY COMMENTS in bold italics!

Just the other day, this jewel was in our local police the circled entry on the article below!:


1.  Oh Boy....!!  Does the word Alzheimer's come to mind??

2. I want whatever drug she is taking. NOW.

3. A "suspicious silver and shiny substance falling from sky"????  Wow.  Maybe the Aliens were peeing?  Maybe a fairy was sprinkling fairy dust?   I SO TOTALLY want to see this silver and shiny substance exactly the way SHE saw it.

4. I want to give an AWARD to the person who took this call at the Police station for not immediately cracking up giggling so hard that (s)he could not finish the report.  Or at least for not putting the caller on speakerphone for the staffs' entertainment.

5. How cold WERE her hands that the snowflake did not immediately melt in her hand, so that she didn't have to call the police in the first place....

6. Besides, why did she call the POLICE even if she thought it was a "suspicious substance" falling from the sky??  Maybe HAZMAT or  UFON, but not the local police!

7. Maybe she was from the south???  Never saw snow before???

8. It "looked like a snowstorm but knew it wasn't snowing".......hmmm...I'd call this DENIAL, folks...she REALLY must have wanted spring and just totally refused to believe it could possibly be SNOW! 

9. Maybe if we ALL denied seeing any more snow, if it in fact continues to fall....from now on, when I refer to snow after March 15th....I am just going to call it a "suspicious silver and shiny substance"....................are you WITH ME ON THIS???


  1. wow. i always figure i will show up here one week and read about myself...glad its not this week. lol.

  2. Oh that is too too funny, Joan!

  3. I vote for fairy dust. Works for me.

  4. Yes, this was actually incredible on so many levels. Crime must really be down in your area, this making it into the police reports and all. It really strains credibility.

  5. Oh dear. Perhaps she should have given it the oven test before calling the police.

  6. Duh! That's all I can say about that! lol

  7. Oh, you are so unkind!!! Maybe she was demented after months of being adrift, in a small boat, surrounded by icebergs, off Antarctica.

  8. OMG ~ I saw the same mysterious substance! LOL
    I think it's a denial thing myself. I'm leaning toward "denial" in several areas of her life.

  9. Ah, dear. You just have to laugh. None of that here in My Muskoka !

  10. Aha, I found it. A police report about an ill-fitting thong. You have to read it!

  11. I myself have seen silver stuff like this before. When I lived close to the Detroit River this was a routine occurrence. There are very many chemical plants in that area, and there are always suspicious things like that happening there. Every weekend morning you get to wake up to the strong smell of rotten eggs. They do it on the weekends because the authorities don't watch them then. There were always protesters, but nobody ever listened.

  12. I'm with you, after March 15th it will be "suspicious silver/shiny substance". Should we summon the police also????

    My first thought was maybe she had been partaking of another type of snow.

    I have baby Mallards on today's post, thought my fellow duck lover would like to see.

  13. Too funny. I always enjoy your comments. Yeah, maybe the aliens were peeing. LOL

  14. If she didn't recognize snow ... in Michigan's UP ... she's definitely from out of town!

  15. Brian: hahaa...I will search for you in the news.

    Joanie: I thought it was so funny when I read it in the paper that day..I just started giggling and told my's one for the blog! ha

    TechnoBabe: Me too. ha

    DJan: I KNOW! When I read it, I couldn't believe it. I had to read it twice and then I started giggling.

    Bossy: That's for sure!!

    Eva: hahahaa

    RNSane: That's going to be me in about 25 years. ha

    Cher: Yes, I will be in a denial when I am older too. ha

    Jenn: Give it time....when folks get older this stuff happens no matter where you live.

    Ratty: Never here..up in the U.P. of Michigan the air is fresh and pure!

    SquirrelQueen: I hope to get to reading some posts soon...I am on a trip to Florida...we rode down from Michigan to be here for the birth of another grandchild...just got in today!!

    Loree:Those dang Aliens..they need that med. to stop peeing so much. ha

    Lesley: True enough!! haha


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