Friday, April 23, 2010

Doe a Deer, a Female Deer....

We went out in the woods for a drive a few weeks ago (I pre-published this post)
we had the fortune to see several deer!

Here are some of the deer that we saw on our journey:

Four in one group!:

We were so happy to see they looked healthy after the long winter!:

This could be a male, without his horns!:

I thought it was funny that I caught this one licking his face!:

This is either a menopausal female (notice the beard hairs) or a male!:

Here is a closeup. Lovin' those beard hairs!:

This is a backed up shot of the one licking it's face:

Sniffing the ground, and grazing:

I hope you enjoyed seeing them as much as we enjoyed spotting them in the woods!!!

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Look in your archives or get outside and enter a photo to fit this month's theme, which is:

Follow THESE RULES and send me your photo by midnight, April 30th, 2010!
C'mon, you know it will be fun!


  1. so you stumbled into my back yard...we have a fam of deer that sleep in th back every night...lots of deer here in our area...

  2. They are lovely pictures, and you're right, they do look healthy. But now I've got that song stuck in my head, "doe, a deer, a female deer; ray, a drop of golden sun..." :-)

  3. Oh deer! Now I don't feel so bad about the whiskers on my chin! :)

  4. They should be gentle, as how you have described. The monkeys over here are far more aggressive.

  5. Great shots! I'm amazed that you were able to capture so many before they moved away!

  6. I miss the deer most here. But spent many hours watching them and the lip smacking one is my favorite. Thanks for the reminder.

  7. Well, after a long winter we all have those beards in one form or another! Great pictures!

  8. Brian: How neat...several people here do to...but for some reason, even though we live on the lake, we have none in our yard..which is probably a good thing, because otherwise they would eat up my tulips. ha

    DJan: Oh, good..then that is two of us. :0}

    Lynn: One word: NAIR> ha

    Eva: I was fast on the shutter.

    Bossy: true...gotta have more hair to keep warm. ha

    Carol: They probably thought those left over winter apples were pretty yummy.

    Rainfield: I would LOVE to see monkeys in the wild, but not aggressive ones.

  9. Awww.I love when I see deer! Your right, they do look healthy too!

  10. I like the title of this post and the photos of the deer. You caught the tongue at just right click on the one deer.

  11. I super bad want to see a photo of a deer like, running into a tree. Because surely something as graceful as a deer has a bad day occassionally.

  12. Jeanette: Even though they are very commonplace to see where I live too, it is always nice to see them.

    Technobabe: I had to smile when I saw the photos download that I had caught him liking his face.

    Kearsie: I think there worst days during our hunting season for sure.

  13. Love these photos!! I don't think I have ever seen one with chin hair..Ha! Ha! That one with the tongue is so cute!! You really got some great photos of them Joan!!

  14. Awesome shots Joan, I love to see deer. I really like the one licking his face, I don't think I have ever seen a shot like that before.

    They do look very healthy and happy.

  15. We don't have deer in our ares (we live in the city) so this is a real treat! They're so beautiful.

  16. I love that pic of the deer licking its...lips?

  17. Lovely pictures of these beautiful creatures. How lucky to see them and to get such wonderful shots. A

  18. There ARE still deer in da U.P!!! I tell ya, after talking to so many disgruntled hunters (deer season 2009) we really thought they were all gone! Nice shots!!

  19. They were fun. Deer obviously save a lot on tissues. And razors.

  20. Ginnymo: Yeah, what's up with those chinhairs??? ha

    SquirrelQueen: yes, I was glad to see the good shape they were in after our cold winter.

    Joanna: We used to have so many more up here where I live...last year, we hardly saw any in the woods when I went out to this spring, we have already seen more than all of last spring, summer and fall...a very good sign!~

    Dreamwalker: Yes, it was his lips...deer do have lips. ha

    Strawberry: Yes, I was lucky to capture them...they usually run when I get out of the car to take their photos...but these guys were curious about me.

    Cathy: Thanks! We have seen more deer already this spring than all last spring, summer and fall combined..and yes, they were complaining up where we live too that the deer season was bad.

    Fran: hahaaaa...and Nair. ha

  21. These deer pictures are absolutely wonderful. I love seeing deer. I especially like the one with the beard. I've never seen a deer like that before.

  22. Ratty: thanks, I love seeing them in the wild, too.

  23. Great shots of the deer, they do look good..healthy enough to raid some gardens anyway! :)

  24. Far Side: I am lucky, they don't come and raid my tulips!

  25. There are deer in the woods where I live, but I've never been lucky enough to see one. They're too shy to show themselves.

  26. Jientje: many are shy here too...they didn't let me get too close to them,but I used my telescopic lens abit. ha


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